Chapter 168

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The drive was one of the longest Spade had ever had to endure in his entire life, he kept taking quick glances at Nate on his thighs, at a point he thought the young man had finally given in to his wounds, but the shallow breath that left his slightly parted lips, gave Spade a small but of hope

He didn't know he was this impatient, not until he had to sit in the back of the car with Nate as he watched Matteo drive, it was as though the blonde wasn't even driving fast at all.

But after the unending and torturing drive, they finally arrived at the hospital, he didn't even wait for Matteo to help him out before he got out of the car and scooped Nate up bridal style, rushing him into the hospital.

For once he was grateful he'd settle his issue with Garcia, because now he didn't have to go through the excruciating stress of answering stupid questions from the cops about how Nate got shot or whatnot.

He kicked the doors open as he rushed into the hospital, with Matteo right behind him, one of the nurses noticed him and rushed towards him as the other brought out a stretcher, he placed Nate on it gently, while he followed them as they wheeled him in
"What happened to him sir"? One of the nurses asked

"He was shot" he rushed out, as he watched Nate's closed eyes, he looked almost lifeless laying down there, by now more than two nurses had surrounded the stretcher as they wheeled Nate closer to the room, one of them stepped up and placed her hand on Spade's chest

"Sir, I'm sorry but you can't go past this point, we're going to take it from here" she mutttered, he growled out about to oppose when Matteo shoved his phone inside his pocket and rushed towards them, placing his hand on Spade's shoulders

"Gio" he rushed pulling Spade away from the nurse, as he stood between them "let them take care of him okay" he whispered, watching as Spade clenched his jaw and shrugged Matteo's hands off his body, turning around and running his hands through his hair.

He couldn't calm down, infact there was nothing to be calm about what was going on now, he was scared, he was fucking scared.
Even his hands were shaking beside him, he felt like if he stopped pacing the hall, his legs would give up and he would pass out.

He was sloppy, for one minute he was sloppy and now Nate's life was on the line, he let out a deep breath as he tried to steady his heartbeat.
He was sweating, his brain was just so very confused right now.

He didn't know what to feel, he hadn't even gotten a chance to properly talk to Nate and now he didn't know if the young man was going to be okay.

This was all his fault, he pulled at his hair, wanting to groan out in frustration, when Matteo stood behind him
"Spade, you need to relax" he muttered

Spade just turned to look at him sharply as he cocked his brows at the blonde "relax? You want me to fucking relax"? He asked as his voice had gone up, while he gave Matteo the most ridiculous look ever "Nate is in there and I don't even know if he'll be fine, and you're asking me to relax"? He snapped

Matteo's just clenched his jaw and sighed
"I know it's not easy, but being like this won't help him, just sit down and calm yourself down, Nate is a fighter and I know he's going to be okay" Matteo said calmly, Spade let out a shaky breath as he shut his eyes and swallowed hard.

Of course he knew Nate was a fighter and would no doubt overcome this, but it still didn't excuse the fact that this was all his fault.
He sighed out and opened his eyes, meeting with Matteo's blue, calm ones.
He gritted his teeth together before he walked towards the chair there and sat himself on it, Matteo followed behind him and sat beside him on the chair.

He placed his face in his hands as he bounced his legs up and down uneasily.
He was really trying not to break down at that moment, it wouldn't be good if Nate woke up and he was in the hospital bed himself.

Spade (MxM) On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara