Chapter 118

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Friday rolled around quite quickly and it was already past 8pm in the night, with having nothing to do, Spade just lounged away in his office alone, of course not without trying to lure Nate into staying with him, but unlike him, the young man had a lot to sort out.

Spade had tried to set up a meeting with Frederick, to at least find out why the man cut off his alliance with Spade, but it would seem whatever hold mystery man had on Frederick, it was fucking strong.
And it was really pissing Spade off.

He had spoken to Matteo, the blonde was already in Italy and had filled Spade in on the events of things, the auction was already set to happen, so far nothing was stopping, at least one good thing was happening.
Actually two, considering the fact that he had Nate by his side now.

He wanted to head out but he was waiting for Nate, they spent the evening together in his office but Nate had to rush back to the office Spade gave him at the club because he still had a lot to do, left to Spade he would just tell him to ditch the work, but he couldn't do that to Nate.

He heard the slight knock on his office door, "come in" he muttered, the door creaked open and he saw Nate peek his head inside, before he stepped into the office, his eyes met Spade's and warm smile overtook his face, immediately relaxing Spade as he let a smile rest on his face too.

He could feel himself calm down, just one smile from Nate and it did that to him, another thing about Nate that he liked and wouldn't trade for anything.
No one else could do that to him, relax him with just a smile.

"Hi" Nate muttered as he stood beside Spade's chair, he got up and pulled Nate closer to him before he cupped his cheek and rests his lips on Nate's in a soft warm peck.
He pulled away, his eyes resting on Nate's beautiful and perfect face

"Hey" Spade said "are you done yet"? He asked and Nate sighed out before nodding.

"Yeah, I wanted to head home, so I came to see you first"? Nate muttered biting his lip, Spade made a low rumbling sound as his hands rested on Nate's waist, just above his ass.

"I told you what that does to me" he husked before gently pulling Nate's lips from his mouth, letting his thumb to lightly graze Nate's pink lips
He let go off Nate and pulled him closer as he sat himself down on the chair, making sure Nate stood in front of him, with his back leaning on the table, and Spade's face just above his abdomen.

Spade looked up at him
"When are you leaving"? Nate asked, as his hand moved on their own and rested on Spade's hair, he started playing with it, weaving his fingers into Spade's hair, almost as if Spade could just rest his head on Nate's stomach and fall asleep there, he liked this kind of peace, he'd actually never felt this kind of peace before with anyone.

"I was waiting for you" he muttered out, as he looked up at Nate, he saw the way Nate's eye moved, as if he was wondering why Spade would wait for him.
"Do you want to come home with me"? He asked, he didn't even know he had said the word home to Nate, he called his house home to Nate.
It felt too intimate and it made him swell with something, of course he loved his house, but he never really considered it home, but now he was calling it home, maybe because he was asking Nate to go with him, but he just looked at Nate again, seeing the way he looked frozen and shocked, maybe he asked too soon.

He should have just waited, maybe Nate didn't feel comfortable going with him "it's okay if you don't want to" he muttered and Nate was quick to shake his head

"No no, it's not that I don't want to, I just...." He paused, seemingly lost for what to say, but his eyes never leaving Spade once, and his hand still playing with Spade's hair.
"I'd love to come with you" he finally said, making Spade's face to break into a warm and relaxing smile.
He liked the fact that Nate was now becoming comfortable and free around him, unlike when they just stared.

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