Chapter 110

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Nate was enjoying whatever it was Spade was doing to him, more than he thought he ever would.
The feeling was out of this world, he felt like his whole body would crack under the sweet pleasures, he had never felt like this before.

Infact all the things Spade was making him feel since they started their relationship were things he never thought In his wildest dreams that he would feel.

The last time he was with someone sexually, it was a very bad experience for him, it wasn't even an experience as he didn't consent to it.
Since then he ruled out anything sexual out of his life.

He hated sex and anything that led to sex, he never thought someone could ever make him feel anything towards sex, except disgust.
But Spade proved him wrong, not once and not twice.

First was the day he kissed Spade, then at the club, and his apartment the previous day, and now he was beneath Spade, getting his whole body excited as he felt Spade touch him in parts he'd never willingly let anyone touch him, and he enjoyed it.
He didn't feel repulsed by Spade's touch, and it didn't make him want to crawl under a cave and never come out.

But what he'd just heard Spade say had totally seized and captured all the pleasure he'd been feeling from his brain, making him freeze as he slowly stopped responding to Spade's touch.

He heard correctly right?
Spade just said they found Su, his sister Su.
He felt Spade's body weight leave his own and the man stood up, still half laying on him, but his eyes were now on Spade as he looked at him.

He slowly tried to get up, and Spade let him, giving him enough space to get up, as they both sat beside each other, Nate's own face was of confusion and something else
"When did you find her"? He asked softly, Spade just stared at him before he answered

"Actually Matteo found her, two weeks ago" Spade muttered.
Nate felt his own eyes widened in horror and surprise, Spade had found his sister about two weeks ago and he was just finding out now.

"Two weeks ago"? He blurted out, his voice a little high pitched "why am I just finding out now"? He asked, Spade just sighed out, shifting himself closer to Nate.

"I wanted to tell you at the dinner but then you got drunk and the whole kiss happened and I kind of forgot, and then at the hotel and I wanted to tell you but something came up and I couldn't and then last night I wanted to tell you, but it skipped my mind" Spade explained calmly.

"I can't believe you found my sister since two weeks ago and you didn't tell me" Nate muttered, his voice coming out a little bit disappointed
"Where is she"? He asked

"As of yesterday she was at Sydney"

Nate was quiet, he didn't know what to say, if he wasn't supposed to say anything.
He'd been waiting for the day when Spade would tell him they'd found his sister and now he just got to know they'd found her since two weeks ago and he was just learning about it now.

He didn't know if he wanted to be angry at Spade for not telling him, or he should be excited for the fact that they had finally found his sister.
"Nate" Spade started placing his hands on Nate's shoulder gently
"I didn't mean to keep it from you, but I wanted to be sure she wouldn't move again, she'd been moving ever since Matteo found her, from one country to another, I couldn't just tell you if I didn't know where she was, but she'd been at Sydney longer than the other places, so I'm guessing she's not leaving there" he explained.

Nate just turned to look at him, how could he be angry when Spade was giving him those eyes, those beautiful, puppy and alluring eyes, he couldn't resist them or stay angry at Spade even if he wanted to.

He just sighed out "I wanna see her" he whispered

"You will, but not immediately, if she even has an idea she's being watched or followed, she'd go into hiding again and maybe I won't be able to find her this time"

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