Chapter 127

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Matteo had basically avoided Spade like the plague since he found out the truth
He couldn't bear to look at the man the same way again.
He'd trusted Spade so much that he felt more than betrayed

Greg was his father, and that made Nate his brother, this was so fucking overwhelming and wrong
All his life he thought Micheal was his father, so he was right after all, he was the reason Micheal hated them all.

He was the cause of all the abuse they had to suffer as kids, how did he never know that the reason Micheal turned against them and became and abusive ass was because of him?

He didn't even know how to feel at the moment, a truth he had believed for so long turned out to be a lie, now he was stuck.
Micheal was a bad father, but he didn't think Greg was any better either.

The man had literally raped his mother and he was the result of that rape.
He broke a perfect family.
If he was never born Micheal would never have known about what happened, and he would never have accused his mother of being a cheat.

To even think he'd met Greg before and the man never showed any sign that he knew, or maybe he didn't.
It was all so confusing
He ran his hands down his face.

He'd been seeing Spade's call for the past 24 hours but he didn't have it in him to pick it, what would he say?
Of course Spade would want to apologise but he didn't think he wanted that right now.

An apology wasn't what he wanted at the moment, he didn't think it would stop whatever he was feeling now.
Everything was just tumbling down for him.

He went on for years being a DeVille, now he didn't know if he had to change his name from that to Miller, was he even a Miller to begin with?
He definitely knew he hated Greg for what he'd done, especially to his mother.

Imagine having to carry such a burden for so long, suffering at the hands of their father because he thought she'd cheated on him.
But Spade, why exactly did Spade keep it from him?

He knew why but Spade had so many years after he'd grown up to come out clean to him, but he didn't.
For years he watched Matteo and never once did it occur to him to tell Matteo that Micheal was not his father.

He didn't want to blame Spade but he couldn't help it, he didn't think Spade could keep something this big from him for years.

The doorbell went off and he looked at the door, ignoring it, if it was Spade he didn't want to talk to him, and he didn't pray for it to be Stefano either, because this was a bad time for the man to show up here.

He faced the empty space in front of him again, hoping to continue his thinking but the person at the door had different plans as the doorbell went off again.

Matteo's resisted the urge to groan out, he slowly got up, picking his pistol up from the table, he hoped whoever was behind that door wasn't Stefano or Spade, because he just might shoot them.

He walked towards the door, he peeped through the hole but didn't see anyone, this better not be some nut job's sick idea of a joke.
He turned the knob, his pistol in one hand as he pulled the door open, almost ready to shoot when he looked and saw Nate standing there, a calm and collected look on his face

"Hi Matteo" he whispered, the blonde just clenched his jaw and looked around, he hadn't really spoken to Nate either since he found Nate was his brother.

"What are you doing here Nate" he deadpanned, the young man just shrugged.

"I came to check on you" he whispered out and Matteo just bit his inner cheek, he really wanted to be alone right now "can I come in"? Nate asked
He couldn't turn the young man down, it's not as if Nate had done anything to him.

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