Chapter 14

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He was sitting at the head of the table watching them all as they all talked among themselves and made small talks.

This was all pointless to him, he didn't even wanna be here but he had to, it's his business, this was the part he had to handle by himself.
His secretary couldn't handle this.

This was the boring part of the business, the paperwork and tolerating stuck up, pot belly old men, who only had one goal, kiss his ass to be on his good side.

He rubbed his temple as their voices got irritating and annoying.
He wanted to just get up and walk out of the room but there was still a lot he had to do at the office and this stupid meeting.

His mind slowly but surely drifted away from the meeting as the face of a certain brown eye young man appeared in his head.

He hadn't seen him since that day in his office, he has been to Greg's place once to sign the contract, in a way he kind of hoped he'd meet him there but he didn't.

At least now he knows he can't be of any threat to him.
Not since he threatened to kill him if he did pose a threat.

Not that it mattered but he kept tabs on him, watching his every move closely.
Most people of his status would be more interested in who they were supposed to be getting married to and not their brother in law, but he had his reasons why he was keen on watching Nate closely

At least that's what he told himself, what he made himself believe.
The fog in his mind cleared again and he could hear the noise in the background clearly, making him sigh out, just that single action stopped all the talking in the room, making all eyes turned to face him.

"And what makes you think I'll take this deal" he asked the man that led the other out on this meeting, the old man with a very annoying toothy grin, looked at Spade before speaking.

"Uhm... Because it's a good deal, a win win for all of us" he muttered looking at the others as they all nodded their heads in agreement

He ran his tongue across his lips before smacking it lowly
"I don't see how this is a win win situation for me, I already own the land and I can do whatever I want with it, partnering up because of the land will only benefit y'all" he said pointing at them

"Uh... Mr DeVille..." He cut him off quickly with a sharp glare, making the man to recoil back

"I wasn't done talking" he murmured dangerously low making the others swallow.
"If you want the piece of land at that spot, you're gonna have to give something worth it in return" he said looking at them all, the piece of land they all wanted was something he took after killing it's original owner.

"Mr DeVille, the land belongs to Miss Finstock, we were hoping to have a talk with her and come to a consensus on how to get a small part of it" another one spoke up and he just looked at him cocking his brows

"Is that so"? He asked and the man just looked away not bothering to answer, as he was already intimidated and scared by Spade's eyes and cold look.
"Well I guess there's no point for this meeting then, why don't you go ahead to Miss Finstock and get the piece of the land, and then we'll see how it goes" he muttered his eyes watching each and everyone of them as they all retracted back and hide away from his gaze.

Most of them already knew the kind of person he was, asides being a Mafia Don, he was a ruthless CEO.
No one messed with him.

He got up scraping the chair in the process, he fixed his suit and looked at his wristwatch, he was running late for another important meeting.

"Show yourselves out gentleman" he muttered before striding out of the office, leaving them all there, thinking long and hard if they were on the right track or not.

Spade was indeed dangerous and well a bit off.
They all knew he wasn't exactly clean in terms of doing business.
There was a lot of shady things about Spade but they dared not say a word or question it, afraid of getting killed, they all would shut up and try to get good business deals with him.

He walked out of the conference room, without stopping in his office, he walked straight to the elevator, he got in and pressed the ground button.

While waiting he looked at his wrist watch again, five minutes late already, not that he was afraid of anyone, even if he was late.

Soon enough the elevator stopped at the ground floor and he got off before taking long strides towards his Cadillac.
This was one of his favourite cars.

He got in and drove away, he was headed to the warehouse, that was where he was having the meeting.
He looked out the car and watched the beautiful streets of New York, Beautiful during the day but very dangerous at night.

He knew the shitty things that went down in these streets at night.
He spent most of his life here, so he knew a lot of things about the place, almost as much as he knew Rome like the back of his hand.

Most people, especially American mafia men would ask why he wasn't in his country running his business from there and running his mafia there, but he preferred to stay here, there was just something about New York that drew him in.

And plus Rome always left a bad memory in his mind, he may have spent more time here than Rome, but his childhood days in Rome, weren't exactly rosy.

He had it tough, maybe he still would have if he didn't step up in time and kill his father, taking his place as the Don to the Italian Mafia.

Another reason why he stayed in New York, was that he had a lot of allies here, not that he didn't have any in Rome, but most people there were his father's men and close friends.
He didn't exactly trust them and that has kept him going for so long.

Not that he completely turned his back on them, once in a while he still went there, and whoever questioned him or his ruling, he was sure to let them know who's boss.

His car drove down the deserted road, and downhill until he stopped in front of the warehouse, he stepped out and walked inside.
He didn't bother checking on his men, he walked straight through the right side hallway and saw Matteo standing just outside the conference room door.

He made a face as Spade walked towards him.
The blonde man didn't understand why Spade was always late to meetings, he always reminded him an hour before every meeting, especially the ones that involved Mafia business.

"You're late" he muttered as soon as Spade got to him.
His face looking bored and uninterested

"Tell me something I don't know" he murmured before pushing the double doors and stepping inside the room.

All eyes turned to him, as he looked at them all, walking towards the head of the long table in the conference room.

Total number of people present were just 12, six on one side of the table and six on the other, with Matteo's chair on his right side empty, making one row seven.

He walked towards the head chair and pulled it open, before sitting on it, Matteo followed sitting on his right hand.

His eyes followed each man from the beginning on the right, to the far end and the left end up till the beginning, just by his side.
His eyes stopped at the only man in that room that somehow made him uneasy, he would never trust him, regardless of the fact that he was family.

Spade still kept communication with him because he was the only thing left of his mom that he had.

Salvatore, his uncle, his mother's younger brother.
Of all the men in this room, Salvatore was the only one he was never comfortable doing business with.
Spade did a lot of bad, illegal and shady things, but there was just something wrong and off about Salvatore that never sat well with him.

And it wasn't his face alone that unnerved Spade, his whole aura seemed off, that sleezy and cunning smile he always had one.
How he managed to stay atop business in the mafia for this long.
And a lot of other things that Spade would never understand.

His eyes moved from Salvatore and back to the other men in the office.
"Gentlemen, shall we begin"? His voice resounded in the wide almost empty conference room

Short chapter
I know 😩😩

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