Chapter 111

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I sat in my office lost in thoughts, thinking of a lot of ways to go about the impending problem I was having, I don't even know if my problems grew with each day or I was only battling with the ones I had.
Everyday got busier and tougher in the business, I barely even had time for myself.

I'd just finished talking to Nico and Vince about Liam's uncle Frederick, they gave me a few information about him, very tangible ones too, the people he'd been meeting recently since taking over from Liam.

He was brutal with his ruling, anyone of Liam's men that didn't succumb to him, he had them tortured and killed.

I got to know from Nico that he'd been meeting with a lot of people from the underworld lately, Greg being one of those people.
Twice now has he appeared in my line of focus, first it was Stefano that mentioned him and now I was told he'd been meeting with Frederick.

It's no coincidence, I was already putting a pattern together, but there was still a missing piece, mystery man.
I still didn't know who he was, even though I'd gathered enough information about him, like the fact that he was rallying with people who didn't really like me, and that he wanted me dead and another key information was the fact that whoever had info about mystery man, always had the exact same thing to say about him

They all said he was closer to me than I think, but I didn't really have a lot of people around me, well except for my men in the mafia.
The only people close to me that could possibly know things mystery man knew, or fit the profile were Matteo and Nate.

But it can't possibly be any of them.
I'd give my life before I agree that Matteo would ever betray me.
And Nate, I met him way after mystery man started messing with me.
As much as I want to put him in that spot because of his father's involvement, I couldn't let doubt and mistrust to enter into our relationship, something we just started.
It wouldn't be good that I barely just got him to agree to being with me and admitting that he liked me, and then I would start doubting his honesty and loyalty.

And personally, Nate was too good for our world, he never struck me as someone who could get involved in the kind of things we did, the kind of things I did.
Even though the first time I met him, I didn't trust him and thought he was a threat, I guess deep down I always knew he was no threat, my fascination to him was what made me think of him as a threat, I probably didn't know it then, but I always found him intriguing and maybe I even liked him from the beginning, but the fact that I never really considered something like that, made me not to think of it in that way.

Suddenly thinking about him shifted my attention away from the problem I was thinking about and to him.
We'd only been together, less than a week, and in that short time I'd come to realize how good he is
Maybe even too good for me.

I'd barely even spent time with him, after he day Matteo walked in on us in his office making out, I'd barely had time to be with him, I'd always been busy, and when he came to the club, I wouldn't be here or I would but I'd be in a meeting.

I kind of feel bad that I barely had time for him, I know he probably was expecting more, more attention, more time and care, but this whole relationship thing was new to me, and I was really trying my best to balance my work life with my life with him.

My life with him, that sounded so good coming out

There was just a sweet way Nate distracted me from the real world, from my world, made me forget that I had problems I needed to deal with.

I never thought there'd be a time I'd be so into someone that everything about them would be beautiful and amazing to me.
A day hadn't gone by that I didn't think of Nate, at least since I was too busy and couldn't see him, I was always thinking about him.
His beautiful big brown eyes, perfect lips, the way they reddened whenever he chewed on it or when I kissed and sucked on them, the lost look he had whenever we were together, the softness of his hair in my grasp, the sounds of his sweet moans of pleasures.

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