Chapter 160

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They all had finally calmed down and everyone wasn't looking somber, but the whole atmosphere was still very much sad and somber.

Matteo had leaned his back on Spade's desk, he didn't think his legs could carry him to stand any longer, and Su had cleaned the tears on her face.

The one that looked more composed was Spade, hut he was the one least composed internally as his insides felt like jello.

He didn't even think he would be able to stand after hearing what he just heard.
He just found out Nate was physically and sexually abused as a kid, that was too much for him to take in.

He'd been physically abused himself as a kid, but sexually, he couldn't even imagine what it felt like and how Nate was able to still look so cool and collected after going through something like that at his age.

He was not even a teenager yet and he was raped, fuck, Spade was breathing hard, infact he didn't think he could classify what he was doing as breathing.

He wanted to know who this person was that had done this to Nate, but Su still wasn't done talking.
"Nate told me to come to you if I couldn't reach him, three days ago I noticed something strange in the coffee shop were I work, I didn't think of it as anything but after a day of watching, I realized someone was following me, watching me" she paused looking at Matteo and the Spade.
"I just knew something was wrong, so I tried calling Nate, he didn't pick up, I texted and he didn't reply my texts, at first I thought he was mad at me for what I had said to him when he came to see me, but after calling him for more than a day without getting any response, I realized something had happened, so I found a way and lost the person following me, so I could come here and meet Nate face to face, but to my greatest surprise, he wasn't at his apartment, it was locked, his car was still in front of the building, and he hadn't shown up at work either"

Spade sighed out and clenched his jaw, hearing the things she was saying, he didn't need to be told again for him to know that indeed Nate was missing, but he just let her finish.
"I think... I think that man took Nate, and my father know where he is" she finally said it.

This made Spade to almost stumble back, before he composed himself, he felt this heaviness settle in his chest, even though they were not together and he was kind of angry at Nate before, it didn't excuse the fact that he still cared greatly about the young man, and hearing everything that his sister just said, made him even feel shitty for not seeing these things.

Nate had been his boyfriend for more than a month and he didn't even know this about him, what did he even know about the young man? He asked himself

"This man, if you see him, would you recognize him" Matteo was the first to ask the question Spade had been dying to ask since she started talking.

Her green eyes moved from Spade and landed on the blonde, before she nodded.

Spade didn't say anything, he didn't think he could say anything without breaking down mentally at this point, or lose his shit
But the anger inside him had intensified, all the shit he'd have to do over the past weeks, since he walked out on Nate, the tinge of guilt he was feeling for not being there and Nate had been taken, the anger and sadness he felt while listening to Nate's sister.

He clenched his jaw and started walking towards the door when Matteo's voice stopped him
"Where are you going"? The blonde asked, and without looking back, he spoke

"To find Greg" he gritted out, but Matteo was quick to rush in front of him, placing his palm on the man's chest

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, Spade you have to calm down okay, you can't go finding Greg like this" Matteo muttered and Spade just clenched his jaw, narrowing his hard glare on the blonde.

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