Chapter 85

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Nate shouldn't be surprised seeing Spade waiting for him again in front of his office building, but a tiny part of him was still a bit surprised.
He sighed out immediately he saw the man standing with his back to the door of his car, unlike in the morning when he looked really composed and professionally dressed, now two top buttons of his white buttoned up shirt were undone, he had that shiny necklace that Nate never really knows what it's about around his neck, peeking out and the brightness of the sun made the neckless to shimmer.

His whole suit jacket button was undone, leaving his firmed chest pressed to his body, outlining the perfect curves of each muscles in his chest, Nate felt his mouth water at the sight, there was a slight breeze blowing his jacket sideways.

With his legs crossed on one side, and his hands in his pants pocket.
His hair was flying around, a few strands falling on his face,even the evening sun was in sync with Spade, as it radiated his perfect tanned skin.

He had his face set in a hard way, making him look extremely hot and attractive.
Nate quickly looked behind him, hoping not to see anyone mopping at the man waiting for him.

Of course there were a few workers coming out of the building, some were already staring at Spade and they weren't so subtle about it

He hastened up his steps and walked closer to Spade, the man already had his eyes on him.
He stopped in front of him

"Hey" Spade was the first to say something, and he just let out a deep breath, he felt as if he was naked in front of Spade's gaze, being the shorter of the two men, he felt as if Spade could literally see everything about him from where he stood tall.

"Hi" Nate whispered, feeling his whole mind scrambled together, every part of his system was shutting down, and not in a bad way but in a sweet almost, pleasurable way.

"You ready"?

He nodded meekly, almost cursing at himself, what was it about Spade that always made him feel small, not just that but he was always out of sorts around the man, everything about Spade clouded his mind, made him forget who he was and how to act.
Like he always wanted to please Spade, but at the same time he didn't want to.

Spade opened his side of the door, while Nate walked around to the other side and got in, already feeling himself relax, the scent of Spade filling his nose, as he relaxed and let out a deep breath making Spade to turn to face him.
Seeing the relieved look in his eyes.

"Rough day"? He asked and Nate sat up straight quickly, his eyes darting around the car

"Uh.. yeah I guess" he rushed out in a whisper, Spade didn't say anything else, he just turned on the engine of the car and drove off
His eyes moving from the road and landing on Nate momentarily.
He could see the tired lines around Nate's forehead, he was kind of feeling bad for having added the weight of managing the clubs redesigning on him

"You want me to take you home"? He asked and Nate looked up at him

"No, uh... It's fine, I'm kind of already late" he muttered nervously

"You know I'm just gonna show you around today, you don't have to always come in to work, most things you can do from home, and as for the remodeling, that can happen anytime, it doesn't have to be right away"

Nate looked at Spade, watching as he drove past car after car, cutting through the slight hold up on the way, his focus was on the road 100% so Nate had all the time in the world to stare at those perfect jawline, perfect nose, lips like wine, he wondered if they tasted like wine too.

He furrowed his brows together and shook his head, remembering that Spade was just talking to him.
"Uh.. it's totally fine, I can still come in today and get a few things done, like getting familiar with the place" he muttered before looking back at the road.

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