Chapter 1

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Hello there 😁😁

I'm back again with another beautiful and dangerous story 😉😉

This is another mafia story.
Forbidden territory.

Not sure how it's gonna go but I assure you, you're gonna love it 😁😁

I'm not really an expert on mafia story but I try my best.
My description might be a little boring and not that in-depth, but please bear with me.

Also I will not tolerate any rude comments on my book.
If you're not comfortable, please don't read it.
Any hate comments will be deleted



I sighed out as I watched car after car pile up beside me and behind me, the traffic was not in favor of anybody today and the sun was scorching hot, even my car AC wasn't really working up to speed.

There were beads of sweat on my forehead as I tried to look in front to see if the traffic was getting less but it was still the same thing.

I unbuttoned my jacket and took it off, dropping it on the passenger seat, I picked up my phone and checked the time, 2:50pm
I was getting late, I was supposed to be at home over an hour ago, but here I was stuck In this stupid traffic.

I let out a deep breath as I dropped my phone back and put my hand on the car window, looking sideways, I could hear honking and noises all around me, everyone was frustrated.

Typical day in New York.
We should be used to it now but you can never get used to sitting in traffic for hours.
I wonder what dad would say if I showed up today? definitely he'd have something to say.
He always does.

I ran my hands down my face, before taking the bottled water beside me and taking a sip of it.
It was a slight movement but I saw it, the car in front of me moved a bit.

Then it moved again, oh thank God
The others way in front of me started moving and I let out a sigh of relief.

I quickly put my car in drive before slowly driving away from the spot I'd been stuck in all afternoon.
I passed the traffic light and took the turn that would take me to a very private  area in New York that was specially made for the important men in New York.

Once I entered the familiar estate, the whole bustling and noise from the city seized, everything became quite as a grave yard.

I kept passing huge houses, with electric fences, white gate and very tight security, until I spotted the one I'd grew up in

Just like it always looks, no different from when I was a kid, I took in a deep breath before stopping in front of it and driving my car in.
From outside it didn't look like much but the moment my car drove in, I could see the men stationed just close to the gate, in front of the lawn and outside the doors.

Yep, home sweet home
I stopped in front of the men at the gate and wound down my car window before one of them peeked his head in

"Welcome home sir" he muttered before standing back up and talking into the radio thing in his ear.

He waved me in and I drove into the huge compound and parked my car along the other many luxurious cars my dad owned.

The compound was huge, very fucking huge, a huge waterfall in the middle, a very beautiful lawn and a small tree just at the side.

I stopped the car and took in a deep breath preparing myself for what I'd meet inside.
I could already feel my nerves leave me.
I picked up my jacket and opened the car door before stepping outside.

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