Chapter 100

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Stepping into the penthouse, Matteo turned on the lights, slowly peeling off the jacket he was wearing over the checkered shirt inside, he dropped it on the couch.

He turned his neck round trying to ease it of the pain he was feeling, he'd been working non stop the whole week, infact since the Liam incident, he hasn't had a second to rest, he barely got six hours of sleep on a day.

He was about to get himself a glass of water when he heard the doorbell go off, making him look at the door, scrunching his brows up, he wasn't expecting anyone.

He heard it again, and almost groaned out, can't he just get at least 5 minutes of rest time from all the work.
He walked stealthily towards the door, his hand grazing the pistol safely tucked away in the back of his pants, it could be anyone, he wouldn't be caught off guard.

He looked through the small tiny hole at the middle of the door, hoping to see whoever was there but he didn't see anyone, making him all the more alert as he slowly turned the knob of the door, slowly pulling it open.

He was about to pull his gun out when he saw the smiling and annoying face of the one person he definitely didn't want to see tonight, he clenched his jaw as the man brushed past him, strolling into his house like he owned the place.

"What are you doing here Stefano" he gritted out turning around to face the man who was now looking at his apartment like he'd never been there before.

He smiled cheekily and rubbed his palm together
"Well I thought to knock today, instead of just sneaking in on you, I noticed you don't like me showing up unannounced" he said making Matteo to ground his teeth

Stefano walked further into the house, peeking his head into the kitchen, examining the whole place like it was his
He scrunched his nose up "hmm, you know I've never really paid much attention to this place, just it's owner" he muttered ending it with a smile as he looked at Matteo "you have a nice place"

Matteo's resisted an eye roll
"You still haven't answered my question Stefano, what are you doing here"? He gritted out lowly

"Oh that, I come bearing tidings, good tidings" he muttered cheekily, his eyes crinkling up at the sides mischievously
"I have information you need, and I've come to share"

Matteo narrowed his eyes at Stefano, as if waiting to see if the man was messing with him, or maybe this was one of his many pranks
"And what makes you think I would believe that"? He asked and Stefano just smiled

"Because a little birdie told me that y'all are in a fix, infact you have one of your most trusted men in custody, torturing him for this same said information that I have"
He smacked his lips together

"What is it then? What's this information you so graciously want to share"? Matteo asked, making sure to emphasize on the graciously.

"Oh I'm not telling you, well at least I'm not telling just you, I need your other half to be here" he said before turning around and running his long fingers through the marbled counter, Matteo's silence only made him turn around again "Spade" he added quickly.

Matteo scoffed before folding his hands across his chest, he hated that overly sweet smile that Stefano always had on, the way he carried himself, like he was untouchable, it annoyed Matteo so much
"And what makes you think Spade would even want to hear anything you have to say"?

He took a few steps closer to Matteo, stopping just in front of the blonde, he brought his hand up, and let his fingers to trace a line from Matteo chest down to his stomach, making the blonde to such in a harsh breath.

He felt each move of Stefano's fingers leave a trail of tingly feeling on his body, his hand latched out as they grabbed Stefano's wrist tight in his hands, almost as if twisting it, but the man still had a lopsided grin on his face, as if he was enjoying what Matteo was doing.
"Because Teo, I may have information on who's trying to kill him" he finished before he pulled his wrist from Matteo's hand and shoved it inside his pocket

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