Chapter 175 - Forward unto Dawn

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Chapter Cover: Eve standing by herself as she smiled down toward the camera with her hair flying in the wind.

A deadly silence filled the the young woman was slumped down upon the ground on her knees. The sounds of destruction echoed in the air. The battle against the Dragons was still going on and yet, she didn't feel anything for it. She didn't feel anything other than sadness…

Then the young woman placed both of her hands which were glowing with magic energy upon the ground. The magic power grew around her body as multicolored lights danced around her form.

"Arc of Time, Last Ages,"

The blinding light grew all around her as Ultear Milkovich sacrificed her life using the forbidden magic to try to turn back time for her friends that were all fighting in this battle that was going to decide the future of Fiore as the clock turned to one thirty in the morning…



"W…Where are you taking me?" I asked him.

"We have a place for the wounded not too far from here," Simon said, "We have set up a place to take care of the many wounded we have and the soldiers are holding the lines as much as they can…must have been a pretty tough fight if you're burned out like this."

I smiled lightly.

"But more ever…I wanted to thank you for what you did with Kagura," the young man told me.

I blinked at him in surprise.

"After the Games ended," Simon continued, "Kagura spoke to me about what she had planned to do to Jellal. To tell you the truth, I was shocked when she told me about it. I couldn't believe that she had wanted to actually kill him. The only reason I joined the Magic Council was that so that I could catch Jellal and finally have justice like it's suppose to happen…but then, she told me that you convinced her out of it."

The young man stared down at me with this smile upon his face.

"Seems that you're helping me without even me asking," he said.

I smiled at him but was about to say something when images started to appear inside my head. Simon stopped walking as well as he was holding me and I can see that he had a surprised look upon his face again. The young man instantly glanced behind him as if to check for something before he glanced forward again.

"What the hell was that?" he said shocked, "I just saw myself getting shot from the back. I'm…I'm dreaming right?"

"No…I saw it too," I told him, "We turned this corner…and the little lizards-dragons ambushed us."

Simon stared straight forward as I did as well.

"Let's take another way," he said, "If we just saw that happening…I'm not going to tempt fate."

I simply nodded at him as the young man turned back the way we came taking another way to get where he was going. I couldn't help but feel strangely miffed by all of this. Did we just see into the future? I mean, I have heard about people hallucinating because of stress during the middle of battle but neither Simon nor I were fighting so how come did we see into the future?

Unless someone used a spell but who could have done that? I thought.

It was pretty useless to think about it now after all, if they hadn't done that I would have met my end into a very sticky situation so whoever they were, they got my most heartfelt thanks. Simon continued to walk through the destroyed city as we make our way toward where his people had made a base but then all around, the city golden lights were starting to appear.

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