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Cassidy's Pov
I kept pulling the skirt down. It was really short and I felt uncomfortable. We were driving to the part and I could tell Kiley was distracted. I closed my legs and kept pulling it down.

I looked up and saw that we were about to crash into another car.

"Look at the fucking road." I said.

And she must have zoned out because she swerved from the car.

"Jesus I'm gonna die before it hits 12." I mumbled as we got out of the car after stopping at the address.

"Your my plus one. So that means I'm in charge of you." She said as I felt her arm snake around me.

"No I only agreed to stay here until 12. No longer than that and I'm not drinking." I said and she scoffed.

We walked in and there was barely people there. So she made us go early than the party was supposed to start.

"Kiley! You made it and Uhh... who is this?" A guy said as he looked me up and down.

"You haven't heard of the star basketball player?" She said and he smiled.

"I see. Garrett." He said holding his hand out.

I only stared at it declining it as he took his hand away from embarrassment.

"She's a little shy." Kiley said and I kicked the back of her leg.

"She has a good taste of style." He said and I looked down seeing the skirt riding up.

I pulled it down. I don't want people doing things to me and I just want to get this over with.

"Hehe doesn't I had to dress her or else she would have came homeless." She joked.

"Okay... well we're gonna just chill and wait for people to start coming in." He said and we sat on the floor.

"Sit criss-cross." Kiley said as I could see a smirk.

"No I don't wanna do that." I said and she frowned.

"Your really boring." I frowned.

"Here you two go." Garrett said as he gave us two glasses of smelling alcohol.

I coughed at the smell of it setting it down not wanting to drink it.

"Cassidy! Don't be rude drink it." Kiley as as she slapped me.

"But I don't want too." I said looking at the yellow colored like alcohol in the glass.

"I don't fucking care drink it." She said sternly.

"But-" she cut me off and I felt her hand on my jaw.

No one else was in the living room they were all taking care of the party that was gonna happen.

"Drink. It." She said and I could just let out a faint whimper.

"Oh no don't fucking do that. Drink the goddamn thing it's not gonna fucking affect you." She said.

She wasn't gonna stop so I did. I took it down in all a gulp and it sent a haze through me making me feel sick.

"Your not suppose to take it down in a fucking gulp you idiot." I wanted to slap her but I also felt the need to throw up.

"Cass?" I heard seeing Anna.

She was with someone else who I expected to see Victoria.

"Kiley. I said you weren't allowed to fuck around with her!" Anna yelled.

"Oh so your gonna protect that bitch and not me?" Victoria said and now a whole fight broke out.

I put my hands over my ears I hated when people fought so loud. Including my parents which use to do it awhile until I got into highschool.

"Psst! Hey! Come here." I heard seeing someone. She had brown hair and she was really pretty.

I looked at the three fighting as I got up carefully while pulling my shirt down so no one would see the underwear I had on and I wished I brought some extra clothes with me.

"You okay?" She asked me as she opened the fridge.

"I'm Jade." She said smiling.

"Cassidy." I mumbled.

"Here drink this it's water. It should get you ready for the party." She said giving me a bottled water.

"Hey jersey. Yeah you I need to talk to you." I felt someone grab my arm while I was taking a drink.

She led me to a bathroom. As she shut the door and locked it.

"Why the fuck are you here?" Anna said and she hovered over me making me feel like the weak one.

I am the weak one here I mean Cmon who is gonna be stronger a 5'8 girl who rams into people for fun or the 5'5 girl who fucking reads a book and plays a sport that requires some luck and a bit of skill.

"Answer me." Why is everyone being so demanding.

At that moment I felt like I was gonna just sob. I haven't had ow much pressure since lately.

"Fucking answer me!" She yelled and I tried to find the door nob.

"No don't fucking open the door. You tell me why your fucking here and you tell me why your here with Kiley!" She said and she slammed her hand in the door next to my head making me flinch.

I tightly shut my eyes as I tried putting my hands over my ears at her continuous of yelling at me. Tears were welding out of my eyes and honestly I cannot stand to be yelled at. It makes me anxious and it also makes me feel like my fault.

"I-I'm s-sorry. Just please s-stop." I mumbled.

The door was unlocked by a key and was opened when I fell into someone's arms.

"Hey your okay..." I heard a familiar voice.

I felt Zoey wrap her arms around me.

"Yell at her again and I will swear you never get to come near her again." She said.

When Anna realized what she had down she looked at me. She walked off without a word.

"Hey your okay. I'm here with my girlfriend. You wanna stay with us?" She asked me.

"No please just take me home..." I said and she nodded.

With instead I saw Jade. She smiled and waved at me.

"I see you've already met my girlfriend?" Zoey said as she got in the car.

"She's nice..." I mumbled.

"We'll get you home safely." She said and I smiled and thanked her.

Could this day please end?


I just got two gay books from the bookstore and a mature content came up and my mom was staring at me while I read it 😀

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