20. His POV

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A/N if you hate drama and dramatic shit then don't comment it and just go😌

I woke up rubbing the dread and misery from my eyes. I was horrified. What if I got so mad I fucked up my relationship.

I sighed and stood quickly brushing my teeth and getting dressed, picking out my clothes for her. My white hoodie and black sweats. I picked her up from the bed and brought her with me to the bathroom.

I set her on the counter and she wrapped her arms around my neck groaning.

"Hey baby we've gotta get you dressed and ready." I said and she kissed my neck gently.

"Carry me to the car then?" She whispered.

"Of course my love. I talked to your coach and mine and it's fine. We're driving back in two days." I said and she hummed.

I set her down and she put on the sweats and hoodie as she only slept in her undergarments. She brushed her teeth and I brushed her hair as she put on deodorant.

I handed her a hair tie and she tied her hair in an adorable messy bun.

"Ready?" I asked picking up bags.

"Yea." She said and I bent down.

"Jump." I said and she wrapped her legs around my waist and wrapped her arms around my chest instead of my neck.

We went down to the car and I put the stuff in the trunk as Coach Lahey came down.

"Hi Coach." I said and he patted my arm.

"Call me if either of you need anything. Good luck." He patted her back and walked away.

I set her down and she wrapped her arms around my waist.

"Hey Noah?" She asked.

"What's up?" I asked closing the trunk and looking down at her.

"Will you let me do this if you get mad?" She asked.

"Of course." I mumbled.

"Do you promise?" She said more stern.

"I do promise." I meant it.

"I would do many bad things Maya, but I would never bring any harm to you." I rubbed her back.

"Now I have a pillow and blanket set up for you in the back so you can sleep for a while. The drive is more than an hour so hopefully you won't be tired when we get there." I said and she huffed.

"No. You're stressed I know you didn't sleep, I'll be fine love I can drive so you can sleep. I'm kind of awake now." She looked at me and I was confused.

"Are you sure?" I asked confused and she touched my face, specifically under my eyes.

"You're so tired. Go to sleep my boy I'll wake you when we get there I'll just need the GPS." She said and I handed her my phone.

"3770 is the code." I said and she smiled when I kissed her forehead.

She drove as I laid down in the back seat. I had my head lying down on the passenger side so I could see her.

She put her hand behind the middle elbow rest and I grabbed it.

"Is this comfortable?" I asked.

"Yea it's fine." She said and I held her hand as I let myself go to sleep.


"Handsome we're here." I felt a kiss on my forehead.

"I don't wanna see him baby." I said and she pushed her fingers in my hair.

"I know I'm here though. We can try to be remotely kind to your mom even if he's there. If you ever need to get out or leave even at night please wake me up or take me with you." She said and I nodded opening my eyes to see her gorgeous face.

"Let's go, we'll get the bags later. If you see a bruise or any injury don't gasp or point it out until necessary." I said and got out of the car.

"Fuck bro." I rubbed my face.

"Baby?" I said and she looked at me.

"I don't want to be controlling at all, it isn't my thing but while we're here don't wear tight or showy clothes?" I asked. I was horrified. Let's just say Jim doesn't have a good consent record.

"Of course. I love you and we've got this." She smiled and I kissed her hand.

We knocked on the door and Jim opened it. Short motherfucker.

"Move." I said and pushed past him with my hand nearly strangling Maya's.

"My son." My mom hugged me and I knew her face was packed with makeup.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Maya." I said and she offered a hand with a smile but my mom hugged her instead.

"Hi Maya I'm Linda. Maya Christmas correct? I watched your skating competition and you're an Angel." She swooned.

"Thank you Linda." Maya smiled sweetly.

"What do you mean honey? It's just a fairy sport for puny young people right?" Jim laughed putting his arm around my moms waist.

"Let me take you to a ring and have you do better than her?" I stepped forward.

"No need to get so worked up champ." He laughed.

"Then back the fuck up and remember who's house your living in." I snarled.

"You don't live under my roof son. You haven't stayed here in months. You've been living with Lane forever." My mom shrugged.

"Now I don't mean to disrespect you mother but when was the last time you paid your own bills? The water, your cell, the food, the electricity, the car bills? The answer is you don't. I love you and your under my roof. I've been paying for your existence for the past 6 years. Since I was 15 mom. Now tell me what I can and can't do here." I backed up feeling everything boil.

"Don't talk to your mother like that kid." Jim stepped and poked at my chest making me laugh.

I grabbed his finger and twisted.

"Now. I'm gonna go feed my lovely girlfriend because as her boyfriend I have to care for her. I will be back in 40 minutes once again with my amazing girlfriend and she will be full and happy and loved. Now let's make a game. Whoever's girlfriend is happy at the end of these 40 minutes wins. Let's see how long you go without a bruise mom. Take the makeup off and tell me how amazing this fucker really is." I said and her eyes brimmed with tears.

"Yea cry, I'm telling you what's good for you. He isn't. I came over to talk to you because I have a life now. I'm making money. I'm an adult and I can't pay for you anymore, I'm done being the adult in this relationship. I was supposed to come here and not see a bruise on you and show you the girl I'm so in love with and bond with you and have you two bond because you're my mom. Well you're supposed to be. We will be staying here tonight and your boyfriends dirty ass hands will be more than five feet from her. Maybe if your feeling risky kick him out for a day and talk to me. I mean if your enough of a mom to step up." I nodded and she cried.

"I hate to see you cry mom but you act like a whipped 16 year old and I feel like your damn dad scolding you. You need a fucking life and I've done all I can to help you." I turned and walked outside.

"Maya!" I heard my mom yell and I turned seeing her on the floor , holding her face while Jim was standing over her. What in the drama movie?

All I saw was fucking red.

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