12. His POV

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Who knew dating a figure skater results in a bigger career. We didn't.

"Ready?" The camera men asked backstage.

"Yea." Maya smiled up at me.

We walked out holding hands and people clapped and cheered.

We sat down and the host shook each of our hands.

"Hello and I'm your host Landon Kareem, we are here with gold and silver mentalist and figure skater, Maya Christmas and the foreword for the New York Spangler's Noah Matthew." He smile and people cheered. I sat back and put my arm on the back of the chair while the other was on the arm rest.

"Alright I have a question for you Maya." He said in awe looking at her as she smiled happily.

"Sure." She nodded and he pulled a poster from his desk and setting it on the table.

"This poster of you last night was just launched with you skating and your name in gold print. Absolutely beautiful by the way, do you ever plan on doing figure skating for the Olympics?" He asked and she kept her smile. Today was a really good day for her.

"I think so, I've wanted to for a long time and I've been working on my combinations for that this year actually." She nodded and crossed her legs.

"Wow, and your poster has sold more than 1.5 minion copies in 12 hours globally. How does it feel?" He asked and I smiled at her as she loved that fact.

"Honestly I feel like yea I was well known before but last night was a big arena with a lot of celebrities I didn't expect to be there. I feel like I went from low to high quickly and I'm very grateful." She nodded.

"Noah Matthew." He turned to me and I smiled at him, sitting forward.

"I know you had a scuffle but the clips didn't make it clear so there was controversy. Mind stating what happened?" He asked and I nodded.

"Yea uhm all respect to the player, I hadn't had my mouth guard in yet, and he had gotten a little upset and elbowed me in the mouth while commercials were running and teams were talking and I got upset about it, I did in fact hit him however I do apologize and take responsibility." I nodded.

"Amazing, now you also have a poster that sold 3 million globally in 2 weeks. Do you feel a sense of pride?" He asked.

"I do. Saying I worked hard is an understatement, but I love what I do and cherish every fan moment and purchase." I smiled.

"Now the both of you. We found out about your relationship first when Maya was suspected to be in your audience but confirmed last night that you are in fact a couple. Does it make it weird now that it's public?" He asked and I looked at Maya who I nodded at.

"No, I mean we aren't gonna lie the relationship happened very fast but we also lived together in the same hotel room and ice ring for days." She shook her head.

"Is there any sort of competition between your successes?" He asked and I shook my head immediately.

"Not at all, we both are known for something different. I'm a team player, work with amazing guys, and she's solo, totally by herself and her name is plastered on shirts rather than a team name. Being able to do something so extraordinary by yourself while everyone is only watching you and not a team or the opposite team is just outstanding and very courageous. I'm very proud of her and will be as her talent is recognized and success rate sky rockets." I nodded and she put her hand on my thigh, as I held it and he smiled.

"That is adorable and so amazing. You heard it first thank you for being here! Round of applause." He said and people clapped. We stood and each shook his hand before leaving.

"That was so sweet." She smiled and I held her hand as we went to the hotel.


"I bought one." Jonas ran to our room and showed Maya.

"That's awesome." She laughed and he hugged her.

"You're so good! I was nearly crying at how good your turns were." He laughed.

"Thank you." She smiled and he skipped back to his room as she closed the door.

"Come here." I said and she walked into the bathroom. I pushed her against the counter and grabbed a makeup wipe.

"Just the lipstick." I said and she nodded as I rubbed the pigment off.

I kissed her and she smiled looking at me with her perfect eyes.

I rubbed off the foundation on her neck and top of her boob showing the bruises I gave.

"Pretty girl." I smiled as she wrapped her arms around my neck and kissed me. It wasn't a normal cute kiss, it was really sensual and I groaned as she bit my lip.

"Can I make you feel good?" She asked me and I had my hands on her waist.

"You sure?" I asked and she smiled.

"I am." She nodded.

"First time?" I asked.

"No." She shook her head.

"Jump." I said and she did as I pulled her legs around my waist and began kissing her.

"So perfect Maya." I whispered.

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