3. His POV

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"She's pretty." Lane smiled hitting my side with his elbow.

"She's fucking hot." Jamie laughed from the seat behind us.

I suddenly felt the urge to hit him and I guess it was obvious because Lane kept hitting my side until I looked at him.

"It's fine." He mouthed.

I rolled my eyes and saw we were at the hotel.


I got settled and her bus wasn't here yet so I just spent my time plugging my chargers and everything.

There was two beds in the one room and I turned on the TV seeing Friends was on. I just left it knowing hotel shows don't get much better.

I heard the door open and she sighed dropping her cases of clothes.

I got up and decided to help her out.

"Why so many clothes?" I asked.

"Because I have stupid comps these next few weeks and the outfits are so dumb." She said out of breath.

"Your stupid blonde friend James or whatever shoved me and my bags fell and he laughed saying he just wanted to watch me bend over. Gag." She was obviously irritated and I was too.

"He thinks your hot." I nodded and set her bags down in the room more.

"I think he's not." And suddenly I was relieved with those words.

"Oh it's Friends." She smiled looking at the tv.

"You like the show?" I asked.

"Nearly obsessed." She took off her shoes and showed me her socks that said Friends on them and I laughed.

"Good to know. Anyway we have an hour before we leave for dinner and I'm gonna get ready and run to the store." I said and she nodded.

"Here." I handed her my phone with contacts.

She put in her number and name as I got ready in a black polo shirt and dark jeans.

"Here." She handed me the phone and I smiled, quickly grabbing her hand and squeezing twice before walking out and going to the store.

I went inside and pulled a singular white rose from a bunch and a lady came up to me.

"You can't do that." She scolded.

"Where is it written?" I questioned.

"I'll get the manager if you don't get the whole bouquet." She threatened. Some people are a waist of fucking time.

A guy comes out and heard what she said.

"I'll have to charge you for the bouquet." He nodded.

"What the fuck? Why?" I asked.

"Because some people prefer a perfect 6 flowered bouquet." He shrugged.

"People don't count." I rolled my eyes.

"If you're going to argue leave." He nodded.

"Okay." I walked out with the flower but no one came for me.


"Hi." I heard a voice say from the bathroom.

She walked out and her blonde heated curls were framing her face gorgeously as her outfit suited her well.

"You look really pretty doll

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"You look really pretty doll." I looked at her smooth legs and hazel eyes.

"Thank you." She smiled gently.

I handed her a white rose I bought front the store.

"Awe." She pouted her lower lip adorably.

"Not to ruin the moment but shorts are under there correct?" I asked referencing her skirt.

"Yea." She nodded.

"Okay cause Jamie can be a jackass." I compromised.

"Is a jackass." She fixed.

"True." I laughed and she hugged me.

"Thank you for the rose Noah." I hugged her back and one hand fell on her soft hair.

"Sure." I nodded not knowing what else to say. I just had the urge to buy it so I don't even know.

"Come on." She smiled up at me and grabbed my wrist yanking me from the room.

"Hey." Lane smiled at us.

"You hungry?" I asked.

"Yup you?" I nodded.

"Damn she looks good. How about we switch partners for the night Matthew." Jamie winked at me and I clenched my jaw.

"You're a pig." She laughed looking at him.

"No he's just right. How about we take little Christmas and make her our ho ho ho." His friend Ryder said and I looked around seeing no people of authority and walked to Jamie hitting him dead in the jaw.

A/N wtf was that I just created. Literally gross.

"Why so riled up? You gotta crush Noah?" Ryder asked and I fisted his shirt in my hands and shoved him.

"How about you shut your fucking mouths." I sneered and Lane laughed but pulled me away.

"I'm sorry I hated that he said that but it was too good." He died.

"Come on." I grabbed her wrist and Lanes arm pulling them away.

"Sorry he has a temper like no other." Lane said to Maya.

"It's fine." She shook her head.

"I'm sorry he said that." Lane's parter Jonas said.

"It'll be okay." She smiled but her eyes looked glossy.

We got on the bus and I sat with her as Lane and Jonas were in the seat in front of us.

"You aren't okay." I mumbled to her keeping my head low.

"No I am. People say things that aren't quite kind sometimes and they hurt feelings but I'll be over it." She gave a sad smile.

"It'll be okay." I placed my hand on her lower thigh almost knee and patted a few times feeling her soft skin that I suddenly began craving. I sighed and looked out the window.

I felt her place her hand on mine and I looked at her.

"Thank you." She said softly.

"Of course." I smiled.

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