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The two classes went past. People did stare but you didn't care. Leaving your locker, which was newly painted, you saw Flash talking to Liz. Liz stood at the exit of the school reminding people of her party tomorrow.Nearing the exit you hear. "Y/n!" You turned to see Flash. "What." you said. You coming Lizs stupid party." he smirked. Liz nudged him. "He is coming i personally invited him." Liz butted in smiling at you. She was a nice girl but you hated her because of Peter. "Oh yeah and Penis Parker's boyfriend spider-man is coming." Flash laughed. You walked off wanting to just be home. Almost sprinting to the train station and getting on your train. Sitting down, taking in the whole day. 'WTF' you screamed in your head. 'What the actually hell happened today' You thought being with the avengers was weird. This day felt ripped out of a wattpad story. ;). You threw your head back on the train seat. What were you gonna do tonight. Or better yet, what was Peter gonna do. Would he give out, would he no longer be friends with you. Will he not mind and just be normal about it as he should. Will he kiss you? You chuckled to yourself, you really wanted that to happen. Maybe he was one of those closeted homophobic guys. Staring out the window waiting for your destination to come, you suddenly remembered you haven't had one of those bad headaches in a while. Maybe that weird magician fellah was the one doing it or did he fix it. You couldn't dwell on that as your stop was here. Leaving the train to see Nat and Steve. They both smiled sympathetically. You walked over to them both. They both wore shades and caps. They we're terrible disguises. But only you seemed to recognise two avengers at the train station. Nat took you hand and the three of you started to walk home. "You ok, Kid." Steve asked. You shrugged. Arriving at HQ, Steve took your bag and you collapsed on the couch. Nat and Steve slowly followed sitting down beside the now fully spread you
on the couch. You sighed. "How are you feeling." Nat asked rubbing your leg. "I dunno to be honest." you frowned. "Do you think this is because of us, ye know 'avengers'." Steve asked. "No" You looked at Nat. "It's......." you started. You paused. "What does that word mean anyway?" Steve asked genuinely confused. "Oh steve your so out of time." Nat said as she patted his shoulder. You gulped. "The word is used against people who like the same gender." You said looking down. Steve still confused. "At the concert on Tuesday, I might've kissed someone." you said looking down still. "A boy." You looked back at Steve. "What?" Steve asked. Nat covered his mouth. "Y/n likes boys, Steve." she stated. You nodded . "Oh." Steve said. "That's fine." he smiled. So did you. "Oh and that word is kinda like...." You and Nat nodded. "I just need to get my mind off it, i might do some homework." You said getting up of the couch. "Ok, you hungry?" Nat asked. "I'm alright." you kissed before walking to your room to do homework.

You played some soft music while doin your homework, you also watered your plants and tidied your room a little just for it to be nice. You loved your room. You adjusted right in. The aura in your room was nice. Peter wouldn't be here for a couple of hours so you had tons to spare. You wanted to try some stuff with your powers. You laid on your bed and just harnessed and all your energy in between your hands. You felt the energy, the aura. You shit the energy at a mug on your desk. The mug now glowed the same colour as your energy. You slowly clenched your fists, as you did that the mug cracked and broke and condensed to a ball of shards. You let go of your energy. The ball of clay shards fell onto your desk. 'That's cool' you said to yourself. Looking at the time it was 8:00pm. It wasn't late but for Peter to want to have a "chat" it was late. You thought nothing of it. You swept the the mug shards into your bin. You couldn't wait any longer for Peter to come, your anxiety kept going up and up. All the negative thoughts came up in your head. You needed to distract yourself,Leaving your room to go to the kitchen. No one was in the kitchen or living area. It was sometimes nice to have the area to yourself. Putting on the kettle and turning on the tv. You flicked through the channels nothing caught your fancy at the moment. Flicking and flicking, nothing. You heard the kettle stop, jumping up to make your tea. You poured the water, stirred the teabag, added your sugar and lastly your milk. It was too hot to drink so you placed it on the coffee table beside the couch. Laying back down on the couch, again flicking around the channels. While watching a show about beyoncé, you heard tip toes or at least someone walking behind you. Popping your head up from the couch to see spider-man. He paused. "Hi." you said. softly. He waved awkwardly. "What are you doing here?" you asked standing up rubbing your hands together. "Ugh...... I'm just here to grab some files from mr.Stark." They said in a forceful deep voice. "Labs downstairs?" you said figuring the files would be there. "Yeah....." he paused. "I'm just here to get emmm...... an apple., I'm starving." he said grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl on the kitchen island. He stood there awkwardly. "You going or?" you asked. "Ugh yeah." he said awkwardly. He then left the room and you saw him swing off in the window. There was something about spider-man you liked. You didn't know what but something was definitely there. Your phone suddenly rang as you started drinking your tea. It was coming from Peter. You didn't answer immediately, because that felt desperate. You waited a minute. You then decided to pick up the phone. "Hello." you said softly. "Hey Y/n, how y'a feeling." Peter asked. "Could be better." you replied. He sighed. "Im almost there i'm nearly at the stop, i brought ice cream." he chuckled. "You smiled and laughed. "Alright see ya in a few." he said. "Roger that." you said as he hung up the phone. "Roger that?,........Roger that!" you said thinking you were so fucking weird and awkward. Ugh you embarrassed yourself. You basically gave yourself a little pep talk to prepare you for Peter and the whole coming out thing. You looked at yourself in the mirror of the living area. You studied your face. This was you and you had nothing to hide from anyone.

"Y/n?!" Peter shouted from the kitchen. "I'm here!" you shouted back from you room.You sat on your bed crossing your legs, as Peter walked in your room. He wore a purple hoodie with a flannel over it,trousers and somewhat fancy shoes. His chocolate hair was all messy and ruffled. He hadn't styled it so it was wavy, you preferred it that way. He looked tired, he had faded bags under his brown eyes. He held two tubs ben and jerry's ice cream and two spoons. He sat down next to you. He held out the two tubs. "Which one, cookie dough or brownie. They were the only ones in the store." he said. You smiled looking into his eyes. "I'll have the  cookie dough." you said. He handed you the tub and spoon. You both opened the ice cream and started to eat it. You had light music in the background and you also had candles lit. It was nice aura in the room. Peter had a jumper on so he wasn't cold. You were cold and Peter noticed this. He placed his ice-cream on the floor and took off his flannel. He handed it to you. "Here put it on." he said. "I'm fine thanks." you said. "It wasn't a question." he replied.  A weird bit of confidence from Peter but ok. You put in his flannel. "It's nice. Anddddd i'm totally stealing this off you." you laughed. He smiled. "Thank you." you said. "This ice cream is ni-" you began before you were cut off by Peter. "Y/n." he said sternly. "What?" you asked. "Look we both know why i'm here." he said. "Shit" you gulped. "Look it's ok, i'm not some stranger, it's me." he smiled You started getting nervous. "Listen, it's been hard ye know adjusting to all of this and em...." you started. He stared at you listening to you. His eyes and smile calmed you down. "A lot of stuff has happened. In the week i've been here." you laughed nervously. He still stared at you and smiled. You looked at the floor. It was too hard for you to tell him. "Y/n come on it can't be that bad." he said. You felt your eyes watering up. "Peter it's too complicated." you said now trembling. He saw your sadness. He hugged you slowly. "I'm here Y/n, it's not like i'll be mad. Even if it's something terrible i won't care i just want to make sure you're safe." he said in your grasp. You pushed him away. "Make sure i'm safe!" you said angrily and sadly. "PETER! you came home in cuts bruises and BLOOD! BLOOD PETER!" You shouted. "I SHOULD BE MORE WORRIED ABOUT YOU."You added. Peter looked hurt. "Why are you getting mad." he asked. You threw your hands to your face. "I don't ....I don't..... I don't know." you said now bursting into tears. Peter hesitantly went in for another hug. You collapsed on his lap. You cried on. It was about 4 minutes of crying before you calmed down a little. You looked at Peter, your eyes now red from crying. "You're not getting out of this now." he said. "Come here." he said before dragging you under the covers. He was now cuddling you. 'WHAT THE FUCK, HIW AM I SUPPOSED TO SAY IT NOW!' you screamed in your head. You melted in his grasp. His messy hair flopped on your face. His hands around your waist. His chest against your side. His head parched into neck.His legs interwoven with yours. You loved it. You never wanted it to end. Peter whisper in your ear. "Tell me." The whisper ran through your spine. You gave up. Peter now controlled you. "Peter, Edvin kissed me." you stated. Peter moved a bit. You turned to face Peter your eyes now connected. "I like boys Peter."

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