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Peter and yourself got into Happy's black jeep.      "What's he doing here?", Happy asked concerned. "He's coming to lunch with me." Peter replied a little too quickly. You smirked to yourself. You and Peter both looked to each-other. "So." you said while smiling. Peter was about to speak up but was interrupted by Happy putting up the windshield between the driver and passengers seat. Peter laughed sarcastically at Happy. "I know we met earlier but em, i'm Peter.". "Y/n"
Y/n: "So i'm going to your school it seems."
P: "Yeah, Mr.Stark told me, that's cool, i'll have someone talk to other than Ned and Mj"
Y/n: "Ned and Mj??"
P: "Oh sorry, em my friends, we're having lunch with them, actually."
There was a little silent  pause after that. You noticed Peter looked like he was thinking for something to say next. "Peter how did you get an internship with Stark?". Peter went on with a long story of how he got it and also was really awkward about it, which made you smile, it was cute. The two of you had a conversation about things you liked, things he likes and about how school is going to work. He talked about video games so passionately his eyes beamed. You noticed how brown his eyes were, how they glistened when the sun hit them. You were trapped in their beauty. When he finished talking about video games,you stared at his eyes for about 6 seconds then realised you were and quickly panicked, but you realised you were at the diner  you and Peter were going for lunch.

Peter and yourself said goodbye to Happy and Happy quickly drove off without a second thought. Peter led you into the diner, Peter waved at two young people sitting at a booth. You walked over to the booth and Peter introduced you to the two people. The first one, was an asian boy who had a smile that could sell any product, and the other was a young woman who gave off a mysterious aura. You sat down beside the girl and opposite Peter. Before you could get a word out the waitress arrived at your tables and ordered your drinks. You ordered a (drink). Peter and Ned started geeking out over something and MJ immediately scoffed. You looked and laughed she gave you a 'get used to it look'. "What are you guys talking about?". Peter and Ned jotted their eyes at you. They said in unison "The new star wars movie.". You nodded and said "Cool, i've actually never seen any of the films." The table went silent. Peter and Ned shouted "WHAT!!!". They started inaudibly chatting and squirming. You looked at MJ worryingly. She laughed and said "Your stuck now Y/n" "Ok Y/n, we have decided we are inviting you on a movie marathon, where we will watch all the star wars movies and then we will be up to date to see the new movie when it comes out next Saturday." Ned said that like he read it off a piece of paper, like a robot. Before you could open your mouth, The waitress came asking for  your orders for food, you ordered the (food) with a side of (food). After the waitress left, Peter asked you if you wanted to come for the movie marathon. You agreed obvi. But not because of the films, you really enjoyed Peters company and wanted to spend more time with him. After a short while of talking to Peter,Ned
and MJ about school. Your food arrived. You quickly ate it up but not as fast as Peter or Ned who inhaled their food. You talked to MJ about the book she was reading, 'The Unwinding of the Miracle: A Memoir of Life, Death, and Everything That Comes After' by Julie Yip-Williams. You found MJ very interesting and liked the way she was reading a book about death because the boys found that creepy. You guys decided to all pay for your own after a long negotiation of Peter trying to pay for your meal as his guest but you didn't allow him. But you found it cute how stubborn he was about it.

You guys paid and left the diner and You said goodbye to Ned and MJ. Peter tried to contact Happy about a lift back up to Headquarters but didn't get any answer. You and Peter decided to catch a bus that would be a 10 minute walk from headquarters. You guys waited a bit for the bus and you didn't talk at all even though Nat called you to check up on you and asked you if you needed a lift but you wanted to spend more time with Peter so you denied. You guys got on the bus and sat down at the back, luckily there was no one on the bus so you could somewhat be relaxed. "Are you ok, Y/n?".  Peter asked. "Yeah i'm great actually, thank you. And thank you for bringing me out today, i had a lot of fun. Mj and Ned are cool." You said. You saw in the corner of your eye him beam a smile. Peter looked beside the window, you watched as his eyes move from left to right watching the trees go buy. You found yourself mesmerised again. For the rest of the bus ride, Peter told you more about himself mostly about his aunt may and how it's just the two of them together. The fact that it was just him and his aunt made him more cuter than before. A short while after you made it back to headquarters. You got in and thanked Peter again, you were going to go in for a hug but Tony showed up and stole him away. Tony winked at you and quickly got back to work with Peter. You tried looking for you room but you got lost and ended up in a room similar to a ballet room. You looked around to see Nat stretching. "Hey, i'm back." Nat vigorously collected herself and cane up to you. She comforted you and asked you what you were doing here. You told her you were lost and Nat being Nat laughed at first but brought you to your room. As you reached your room Nat got a buzz from Steve. "Sorry kid i have to go." she said sounding really sorry. "it's ok, nat you do you." you said with smirk. Nat smiled and went to leave the hallway, suddenly she remembered. "DINNER AT 7 K?" she shouted form the end of the hall. "GOTCHA!" you shouted.

You walked into room still not fully grasping all of the luxury you were surrounded by. You collapsed on your bed. You collected yourself. You wanted to take a quick nap before dinner, although it was on 5 hours. The team was busy and you were really tired so you decided to go for a quickie. As you lied in bed, you couldn't get Peter out if your mind, Peter, Peter,Peter. All the time you couldn't get him out. You wondered why, but just passed it aside because you were with him for a good few hours. You rested your eyes and quickly drifted off into a sleep.

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