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You woke up because of the sun blinding your closed eyes. You moved to get the sun away from your eye. Rubbing your eyes to see Peter Parker dead asleep beside you. His hair was fluffy and a bit wavy and messed up everywhere. It was different when it he styled it. You preferred his bed head it made him cuter. He slept peacefully.He had his arm around you. You blushed at the sight. If he was homophobic, he still was good friend, and a nice person for the most part.The clock in Peters room said 6:30. You heard the gang training outside. They must've noticed you and Peter and decided to leave yous. Your and Peters alarms both went off at 6:45 so you had a little time. You were very brave to do this, you sunk into the bed. Almost cuddling beside him. This could be the only time you ever get to experience this with him. This closeness. This warmth Peter held. He made you feel safe. You placed yourself into Peters grasp. You got close. The asleep Peter brought you closer.You we're screaming inside. His aura calmed you. You then just closed your eyes. Not soon after the alarm went off. When Peter moved his arm, you moved to your right so it looked like you weren't cuddling. Peter got himself up. You pretended you were asleep, there was a scilence. You opened your eyes, pretending your were only waking up. You saw Peter staring at you smiling. He quickly dropped the training you were now awake. 'was he staring at me?' you thought to yourself, rubbing your eyes. "Morning" you said getting out of the bed. "Morning" Peter replied. You stretched standing up. "Peter?" you said. "Yeah." he replied. "How are you gonna tell may about all those cuts?." You asked hoping he would spill out what happened to him. He paused. "I don't know." he blankly replied. "Shit" you said jogging to the bathroom. You grabbed a picked of tissue and wetted it a little. You jogged to Peter. "Stand still." you said placing the tissue on Peters cheek. "There's a bit of dry blood, i must've missed it." You said as you wiped the blood away. "There" you smiled as you finished. "Thank you." he said looking at your lips back to your eyes. You slightly blushed but turned away so Peter didn't notice. "I better get ready for um...." You said rubbing your neck. Peter nodded. You left the room walking to your room. You quickly got changed and grabbed your phone and schoolbag. Meeting back with Peter in the kitchen. Peter was on his phone sitting down at the island. You opened the fridge to see a bag with your name on it. You smiled placing it in your bag. Taking out an apple out of the fridge also. "We still on for Liz's thing tomorrow night." Peter asked. You turned from the fridge. "Yeah." you nodded. "K,'i'll just text Ned." Peter said. You watched as Peter typed. His eyes, his hands. You did liek him, there was no doubt about that. No matter what he did. You just always came back to him. He laughed at his phone. He showed his phone to you. He showed you a star wars meme. It wasn't funny. He was such a nerd. You laughed at it. It was a fake laugh yet believable. He smiled so much. He was adorable. Eating the apple in your hand, you noticed Peter looked worried reading something off his phone. The morning continued and you and Peter were now on the train. The gay couple that came on the train on your first day of school arrived and sat down across from you and Peter. You smiled at them. They smiled back. Peter also smiled. He didn't seem off, nor uncomfortable. He seemed fine, normal, how he should be all be all the time around anyone no matter how 'different' they are. You liked this new Peter. You felt yourself now able to a little more comfortable and yourself around him. You noticed that it started to rain. "Shit" Peter said. "What?" you said obviously knowing what he said shit about. "The rain." he said staring into the window. "I like the rain."you said. Peter jolted his eyes in confusion. "It's calming." you defended yourself. You nudged Peter mockingly. Not before long you guys were at school. Peter looked at his phone again, he looked more worried than the last time. "You alright?" you asked him. "Yeah." he said still looking at his phone. You were worried about Peter. He comes home beat up. Blood. There was something up. But it wasn't your place to be saying anything. You brushed it off but you knew something is happening. Walking into the building, people were crowding the halls near your locker. You saw people looking towards you. The kids kinda paced a path for you to go to your locker. You were so scared and confused. You made it to your locker seeing Ned hiding it behind his back, he looked worried. Mj was at her locker with her hand over her mouth looking worried also. Ned gulped. Everyone was surrounding you and your locker. Ned moved to his left. "What the fuck." you said. You stared at your locker. You started sweating. Peter came behind. "What the fuck." he said eswell. Written on your locker in permanent black the f-slur. In bold black big writing. Just then the principle was shouting telling everyone to get out of his way. "Oh." the principle stated. You still were in shock. " My office, now please." she said to you softly. Peter took your hand and dragged you out of the crowd. Peter was so kind. He took you bringing you down the halls. You felt dizzy. As peter dragged you, you saw people looking talking. Wtf was going on, this was like something taken out of riverdale. It felt so stupid. Bringing you outside the principles office, Peter held your hand. You weren't crying but you felt as tho you were. Your eyes were watery. You felt sick almost. It really hasn't been a good first week at school. The principle came out and asked you if you needed anything. You shook your head. "Alright then, come in." she said with a soft smile. "To class, Mr.Parker."  Peter nodded and said "Txt me Y/n." You smiled. You entered the office and took a seat. Trying to settle yourself you took deep breaths. The principle sat down. "Now, we haven't really inroduced have we?" she laughed. You nodded smiling. "Ms.Liu, I know you,Y/n. I spoke with Mr.Rogers before the school year started." She smiled.  "Look i'm sorry about your locker, i ordered the caretaker to paint over the marker, straight away.He should be painting it now."'she said very empathetically. You still were in so much sadness. "Now Y/n, You've only been here a week so, i guess it's easier to narrow down our culprit." just as she said that Mrs. Swanson knocks on the door. "Ms. Liu a phone call, for the kid." Mrs.Swanson said. "Mr.L/n, it's for you, sugar." She smiles handing you the phone. You took the phone. "Hello." you said crackily. "Hey." Nat spoke through the phone. You felt some relief wave over you. "Hi." you spoke softly. "You ok?" She asked. You sighed. "How did you find out?" you asked sadly. "Peter didn't hesitate to call." She sighed. You smiled at the fact Peter called. He must've been worried about you. "You want to come home."  she asked. You paused. Should you. Or is that what the person that wrote on your locker wanted. "No, i'll be fine." you stated. "Ok, i'm one call away ok?" You smiled. "Thanks." you replied. "Bye." you both said. The phone hung up. Mrs. Swanson took the phone from you. "Who was that." Ms.Liu asked. "Ms. Romanoff." you stated. Ms. Liu smiled. "Now, Any idea who might of done that to your locker?" She asked. You thought. First off all they mustn't like you, and second of all they must if saw you and Edvin kiss. Who. It was Flash (ugh). Or it was One of Edvins friends. Or what if it was Edvin. It wouldn't be. The only other person it could be would be spider-man. But that could literally be anyone in the school or out of the school. "I can only think of 8 people." You stated. Ms. Liu raised and eyebrow. "Names." she said. You began naming them off and even told her why some of them would do it. You even slipped out about the kiss. You went red. She smiled. The two of you discussed and also you talked about adjusting to the school. It was nearly lunch time. You guys talked a while. "Ill get to the bottom of this." she assured you. Ms Liu checked her watch. "Lunch is in 10 just hang in there. Just relax." She said. You got up and thanked her going into bathroom. Looking in the mirror. Someone flushed the toilet behind you. The door opened, Edvin walked out of the cubicle. You turned around quickly. "Oh" he said not expecting you. You said nothing. "I heard what happened, i didn't see it but......" he said. You again did nothing. "I'm sorry he said about to grab your hands. He then realised he had to wash his hands. He quickly ran his hands under soap and water, and quickly dried them. He went to grab your hand but you loved them away. He was confused. "I'm not doing anything until i know i'm safe in this school." you stated. "I actually agree with you." You looked down to the ground. Edvin softly grabbed your chin with his index and thumb. Gently lifting your head up to his eye line. He looked at you with lustful eyes. His stare ungulfed you. You heard someone entering the bathroom. You both quickly left eachother. Looking over to the entrance Peter entered. "Hey" you said smiling. "Hey" he said awkwardly. He looked at Edvin. Edvin smiled. Peter gava a little smile, a fake smile , but a smile all the same. There was an awkward silence. Your weird love triangle all together. "Did em...Ms. Liu fix it or anything." Peter asked. "Helped i guess." you replied. "Any idea who it was." Edvin butted in. Peter seemed annoyed. "No" you blankly stated. Peter gave a sympathetic smile. "Y/n, i was wondering if you wanted to do something or like hang out tonight?" Edvin asked you. You could feel Peters aura change. "Sorry, i actually already made plans, with Peter." you said pointing to Peter. "I meant finish what we started the other night." Edvin said referring to the kiss. You slightly blushed. "I actually have plans, with Peter." you repeated. He was confused. "Ill see you at the party tomorrow." yous said. After you mouthed 'we can talk'. He nodded. "See ya." Edvin said before walking away, slightly nudging you. You turned to Peter. He looked confused yet-looked as if  he knew was what going on. "A lots going on Petey." you said as he hugged you. "Talk to me then." he said. "Can we talk tonight." you asked. He nodded. "Come on, you need to eat, it's lunch." he smiled. "Do i have to go into the cantine?" you said knowing everyone would stare at you.  "Up to you, if you want we can eat somewhere else or......." Peter asked. "Ye know what, Fuck it." The two of you walked into the cantine, you don't care anymore. You just walked in and sat and had your lunch. People did stare and some didn't. You just ate your lunch. Liz even came up to your table. "Shit, Ned!, Liz is coming shhhh." Peter said frantically as Liz walked up to your table. "Hi guys. Y/n?, I just wanted to say sorry for what happened today,." she smiled. "Thanks Liz." you replied. "I'm still hoping you can it tomorrow." she asked. "Yeah sure." you said. She smiled, "Great, i'll see y'a later." You waved. "Bye guys, bye peter." she said. Peter blushed. 'Why did she say bye to peter individually' you thought to yourself. The bell rang fir last two periods. You didn't see Peter in these two classes. "Remember, talk later." he reminded you. You nodded, going to your class.  'Shit, this "talk".' you thought to yourself. We're you gonna come out to Peter tonight?

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