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A/N: if a word is in brackets ie: (colour) you choose what it says there.

As Tony introduced you to all the avengers you couldn't stop glancing over to the the young brown haired boy, Peter. You met and exchanged introductions with all the avengers. Clint,Bruce,Thor,Wanda,Pietro,Vision,Sam,Bucky, and Scott. The aura the team gave off comforted you. They all were very kind to you. After you introduced yourself, Tony asked you to show off your powers. You felt nervous as you had never really shown them to anyone before. You flexed your left hand and cascaded your fingers to emit a (colour) energy. The whole team gazes in amaze. Wanda then stood up and flexed her hand and cascaded her fingers to emit her red energy. "Strange." Wanda stated, You loved her eastern-European accent. "They are very similar,how did you get them?". You spoke up, "I...I um..... got them from a stone it appeared to me in a dream, and then the next day i was exploring this field... and um... all of a sudden it showed up and it was like calling to me, so.... i touched it,woke up back home, then i had them, haven't ever used them before on anyone so...". When you mentioned stone Wanda,Pietro,Thor and Vision darted their eyes at each other. Thor stood up and spoke, "This stone what colour was it?". "It was em.... (colour)." you replied nervously. "It was the (infinity stone)". Vision  then exclaimed that the team need to go find it. "Y/N where did you come in contact with it?" Vision said urgently. "Actually about that...." you replied. You then caressed your forehead to reveal, the stone implanted in your forehead like Vision. The team gasped at what they saw. "2 infinity stones....". You looked to Steve worryingly. He came over to you and patted you on the back. "Now guys don't get him all worried, it's fine, if anything it's good for us.".

You then sat down with the rest of the group and had a normal conversation about your 'backstory' and some of the guys explained what you would be doing on missions and what to do and what not to do while living here. You had fun and laughing with all the avengers as they made fun of each other and made jokes. Tony called you over and told you about what your gonna do today. "Right kiddo, First Bruce here, is gonna bring you on a health exam, nothing to worry about, just a basic exam, just to check where you are physically, so we can base training on your current ability, sound good?" You nodded. Tony spoke once more, "Next then you'll be with the little witch, she is gonna do an ability exam 30-40 mins, so we can see what you need to work on if your powers need to come in handy.". You smiled at Tony telling him your alright with all of that.

Bruce gave you a reassuring smile and asked you to come with him. You walked with him down the stairs to his lab. You looked at all his gadgets. "Y/n may you sit here, just give me a minute and i'll get everything started." Bruce said this nervously. Bruce then ran some basic tests, testing your breathing, checking your heart,your reflexes and investigated your saliva and blood to see if everything was ok. "Y/n, do you mind standing on this weight scale here.". You got up and stood on the scale. Bruce then documented your weight and said, "Did Steve tell you about my um... situation, to not get me angry." "Oh em no but i know, gamma radiation, hulk....". Bruce darted his eyes at you. "How did you know?" "em oh, i was obsessed with the avengers when i was a kid, ever since 2012, i was obsessed, i learned everything about everyone, it's  a bit creepy thinking about it." you chuckled. Bruce smiled. He then finished up his test and brought you to the training room where you met with Wanda  for your ability exam.

"Hey Y/n, how are you?", you were spaced out because you love Wanda, she was your favorite avenger. You quickly came back to reality and said your ok. Wanda took out an i pad and took out a pen and started checking boxes, your fist test was to try and centre you energy  into a ball, you quickly did so and aced it. Wanda then ticked another box. Wanda then put up a target. She asked you to fling your ball at the centre of the target. You missed and nearly hit Wanda a couple of times but after about 13 tries, you finally hit it. Wanda looked at you with eyes that said 'we need to work on that'. The next test was for telekineses. She gave you 3 cubes and asked you to lift them. This you could do as you tried this when you fist got your powers and even you flung the cube to the centre of the target. You looked at Wanda and raised both of your eyebrows, she smirked.            "Y/n can you read minds?" "What?!" you were confused by this question.You never actually tried to. You tried focusing on Wandas head but nothing. " Here", Wanda took your hand a place it on her forehead, "Now focus." You focused and closed your eyes. You saw a younger Wanda in a cell with soldiers around her, while Wanda was in pain, your vision pulsed white and then you saw a little girl with a little boy surrounded by rubble and a structure that was beeping that said Stark industries. Your vision pulsed white again and you now saw Wanda, pull out a heart from a robot. You returned to reality and you were breathing heavily. Wanda looked at you concerningly, "What did you see?" "Pain,sadness". You started rubbing your forehead as it stared hurting you. You told Wanda what you saw. She then came in for a hug and reassured you, that everything will be alright. Wanda came to the conclusion that you could see people when they were lost vulnerable, a trait Wanda shared with you, she then said she could do that and give people hallucinations based off of their fears. You were still in shock by the scenes in your head. Wanda reassured you and then brought you back up to Tony in his lab.

Tony was in his lab with Peter, they were working on some project but you didn't take notices as not to be rude. Tony saw you, "Y/n,how are you, how ere all the tests?" "Good yeah really good." you said while staring at Peter doing some work. Tony looked in the direction you were looking and looked to the ground and smirked. "Peter get over here, Peter is my intern here, you'll be going to the same school so get to know each other." Tony winked at you when he finished. You gave him a confused smile. "Also Y/n we're gonna work on your suit tomorrow, See y'a kids." "Bye Mr. Stark." Peter said before he looked at you. "Em i was gonna go for lunch with my two friends, you wanna join us?,just to get know them before school starts again." not He asked while rubbing  his neck, you could tell he was nervous. "Sure, i'd love that, thanks." "We can get to know each other there." Peter exclaimed. You smiled at him and Peter got all flustered and quickly went to grab his bag. The both of you went to the front of the the Headquarters where Happy was already waiting for Peter.

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