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Friday night

Julie's pov

As soon as the bus pulled into the lot at the station, I saw Mike leaning against the hood of his car, waiting for me. He didn't look happy. But why would he be? His problem child was home for the weekend and needed to be dealt with.

When Mike saw me step off the bus, he immediately came to greet me. Grabbing my duffel bag in one hand, he pulled me into a hug with his free hand.

"Hi, sweetheart, I'm glad you're home. I've missed you, well we all have." Mike gently guided me to his car with his left hand on my back.

"You literally saw me less than three weeks ago, Mike," I said, buckling my seatbelt and laying back against the headrest.

"I know, darlin', but I'm always glad to see you..." Mike tossed my bag in the back seat and started the car. "...even when you're in trouble and in need of my correction." Mike turned to me, giving me a half smile and patting my knee before driving out of the lot.

The rest of the ride home was filled with uncomfortable silences interspersed with awkward small talk.

When we arrived at the NJC, Mike said, "Why don't you take your bag to your room and meet Shane and I in the cafeteria in fifteen minutes to get a bite to eat?"

Knowing Mike wasn't really making a suggestion, I dutifully replied, "Yes sir."

I was glad to see Carrie and Lisa chillin' in our room when I entered.

"Hey, why don't you guys come to the cafeteria with me to meet Mike and Shane in fifteen?" I asked, knowing their presence would delay the lecture I had coming from our guardians.

"Yeah sure," Lisa said. "We can get some ice cream."

"Oooh, ice cream. Sweet." Carrie was onboard hearing the promise of dessert.

When the three of us walked into the cafeteria together, I have to admit I was surprised Mike and Shane didn't appear to be annoyed that I brought company. By the time we were done eating and chatting about stupid stuff, it was pushing 10pm.

Pausing outside our door, Mike said, "Don't stay up too late, girls. Julie, we'll talk tomorrow after breakfast. Ok?"

I nodded, somewhat embarrassed to be reminded of my impending punishment in front of my sisters. Shane gave us all a hug and kiss goodnight before he and Mike retired for the evening.

The next morning at the NJC

Julie's pov

After breakfast, I met both my guardians in Mike's room.

"Care to explain yourself, young lady?" Shane tapped his fingers impatiently on the biceps of his crossed arms as he stared me down.

"Look, I'll find a way to pay you guys back for the two hundred dollar fine. Ok?" I know I should be a helluva a lot more repentant right now but I'm just too fuckin' tired to care. Lisa, Carrie, and I stayed up way too late last night cyberbullying hoes stupid TikToks and playing Among Us so now I'm beyond exhausted.

"I don't think you have any idea how serious this situation is, Julie. It's not just the matter of the money. You could get expelled for having alcohol in the freshmen dorms and if you get caught with it again, you most certainly will be. In fact, your next violation for any reason could get you kicked out of school." Shane's cold unforgiving eyes bored holes through my skull as he lectured. "Do you have any idea what that means?"

I rolled my eyes and sighed, "Everyone drinks at college, it's no big thing, Admiral."

"ARGGHHHHH!" Shane shook his head and threw his hands up in defeat. "Clearly I'm not getting through to her, Mike. Why don't you try?" Shane was obviously disgusted with not only my lack of remorse but also my sheer ignorance regarding the magnitude of the situation I had gotten myself into.

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