Good intentions

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Carrie's pov

My sisters and I have been trying to behave ourselves for the remainder of the cruise but you know what they say; the road to Hell is paved with good intentions, and apparently so is the walk to the pier from Senor Frog's in St. Thomas. We were a tad late for all aboard but thankfully we weren't the only ones so the Captain temporarily held the ship, in hopes his unaccounted for passengers and crew members would make it back onboard shortly.

We told Mike and Shane we were late because when we got to the check point Lisa realized she didn't have her cruise ID card so we had to run back to the souvenir shops we were in to see if that's where she lost it. We told 'em once we found it, we rushed back as fast as we could but we were still a little late. Thankfully, our guardians believed our story.

Truthfully, we were at Senor Frog's havin' a blast and we just lost track of time. God bless the U.S. Virgin Islands and their drinking age of eighteen. Thankfully the staff there announce reminders of all aboard times over the loudspeaker since so many of their customers are cruise ship passengers. A few ship's officers patrol the bar to wrangle up passengers and errant crew members when it gets close to all aboard as well. That's actually how we managed to avoid missing the ship.

One of the officers saw our key cards on our lanyards while we were dancing by the bar. Now I know what you're thinking. Lanyards? What are you eighty? But hear me out. There's only so many places you can keep your ID card and money when you're wearing nothing but flip-flops and a skimpy bikini.

When the officers told us it was time to go, we grabbed our shopping bags from underneath our bar stools, shimmied into our shorts, threw on our t-shirts, and followed them to the pier. There were two other couples, a mom with her two daughters, three very wasted guys in their early twenties, four blitzed out of their minds women in their forties, a mom and dad with their teenage daughter, three buzzed crew members, and one extremely wasted senior officer (I'm guessing by the number of stripes on his uniform) and his even more drunk "lady friend" all taking the walk of shame with us so we didn't feel too bad about holding up the ship, plus the officers rounding us up were fine as fuck so we enjoyed the view from behind as we watched their cute asses in their tight white pants sashay up the dock. Mmmm, come to mama.

Anyway, we made it onboard and they literally retracted the gangplank as soon as we stepped onto the ship. I did feel a pang of guilt seeing how worried Shane and Mike were as they waited anxiously for us to board but thankfully they were so glad we were okay, they just hugged us and didn't even yell or swat us or anything. When we told them the story about Lisa losing her key card, they just said they were glad we made it back and told us to have a little rest, then get showered and changed to meet them for dinner at 8pm.

As soon as we got back to our cabin we crashed, hoping an hour long nap with the aid of a quick shower afterwards would be sufficient to sober us up by dinner. Turns out it really wasn't, but hopefully it would be enough to avoid tipping off Shane and Mike.

8:23pm Dinner onboard

Carrie's pov

"Glad you could join us, ladies," Shane frowned, as he looked at his watch.

"Sorry we're late. We napped a little longer than we originally planned," I apologized sincerely, hoping to de-escalate the situation by explaining our tardiness. Truth is, we needed every bit of those twenty-three minutes to sleep off our buzz.

"You look tired, girls. All that shopping must have really worn you out. Huh?" Mike questioned us.

He seemed somewhat suspicious at this point but maybe I was just over thinking things since I was still a little on edge.

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