Two wrongs

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Later that afternoon

Mike's pov

When I called Neil and told him about Stacey spanking Mindy in the woods and Mindy's request to have him deliver Stacey's punishment, he said he wanted to speak to Rick and I privately in his office before making any decisions.

When Rick and I arrived, his secretary Liz quickly escorted us in before closing the door on her way out.

"Sit down, gentlemen." Neil gestured to the chairs opposite his desk.

He didn't look happy and I was starting to become worried about the direction this conversation was going to take. After Rick and I took our seats, Neil confirmed my suspicions.

"If the two of you think for one minute I'm going to allow Mindy to witness Stacey's punishment, you must be OUT OF YOUR GODDAMN MINDS!" Neil's face contorted with anger as he unleashed on us. "WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH THE BOTH OF YOU?" Neil took a slow deep breath as he narrowed his eyes. "TWO WRONGS NEVER MAKE A RIGHT!"

Neil paced in front of us.

"Rick, I'm honestly surprised you would agree to any part of this bullshit. I certainly thought you had a much more level head atop those shoulders. Explain to me please why you thought this was a good idea." He stared Rick down, awaiting his response.

"Honestly, Dr. Curtis, after witnessing Julie's punishment, I seriously began second guessing our decision to let Mindy watch them get disciplined." Rick shifted nervously in his chair as he was clearly uncomfortable being put on the hot seat.

"I want you to go back to the NJC and tell Mindy that Stacey will be properly disciplined but she will not be allowed to bear witness to her punishment and neither will you, Rick. Next time a situation such as this arises, I expect you to use your common sense and rely on your intuition to make the proper decisions. Am I clear?" Neil spoke firmly.

"Yes sir," Rick replied humbly.

"You know better than to agree to something that not only goes against your conscience, but also what your decades of experience as a guardian have taught you. I have a feeling you let yourself get talked into this, Rick, because you should've certainly known better." Neil raised one eyebrow. "Am I correct?"

"Yes sir, I apologize and rest assured it won't happen again." Rick looked like he would rather be anywhere but here right now.

"Good, you're dismissed." Neil had barely finished speaking before Rick was out the door, thankful to finally be off the hook.

After Rick left, Neil turned to me and said in the most terrifyingly icy tone, "Michael David Horton, look me in the eye and tell me you did not punish Julie in front of Rick and Mindy."

His tone was so cold, it sent a chill down my spine. I couldn't meet Neil's eyes, fearing the outrage mixed with disappointment I would see etched on his face, so I kept my head down and remained silent.

"Tell me you did not spank her in front of them!" Neil's harsh tone made me flinch as I retracted further into my chair.

"ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW, MICHAEL, OR SO HELP ME GOD, I WILL EXTRACT THE TRUTH OUT OF YOU WITH THE AID OF MY BELT. ONE PAINFUL STROKE AT A TIME!" Neil roughly grabbed my chin, forcing me to acknowledge his steely gaze.

I swallowed hard as I tried to speak around the large lump in my throat.

"I spanked Julie in front of them, sir," I managed to squeak out softly, despite how terrified I was of incurring Neil's wrath.

"WHAT THE BLOODY HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU? WHAT IN GOD'S NAME WERE YOU THINKING? HOW COULD YOU HUMILIATE YOUR OWN DAUGHTER LIKE THAT?" Neil angrily released his hold on me. Letting my chin drop as he fumed, while turning his back and shaking his head in disbelief.

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