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Shane's room

Stacey's pov

"Mama," I heard Maegan yell, as I walked into Shane's room to pick her up.

"Hi, baby." I hoisted Maegan up on my hip as I tickled her side so I could hear her adorable little giggle. "Were you good for Grampa Shane, luv?" I asked, really hoping to hear a yes as an answer.

Maegan nodded affirmatively as she played with the silver heart on my necklace, manipulating it with her tiny fingers.

I looked to Shane for confirmation and he said, "Yes, Maegan and I had a great day. Didn't we?" He stood next to me rubbing Maegan's back as he recounted their day together. "We helped Mabel in the kitchen today and we made pretty pictures of flowers with fingerpaints." Shane smiled at Maegan, making my heart swell. Seeing Mike and him interact with her, made me really happy. It's so obvious how much they love and care about her.

"I made a plurple fwower, Mommy," Maegan said excitedly.

"Oh! Purple is my favorite color. How did you know?" I asked my daughter, pretending to be shocked.

"Grampa Hane told me, mommy."

For some reason, hearing that made me a little sad but I tried not to show it.

"I can't wait to see it, sweetie." I kissed Maegan on the cheek as she giggled. Glad to be done with school for the day and completely exhausted from getting only about three hours of sleep last night, I was looking forward to a quiet evening with my beautiful baby girl here at the NJC. I was hoping for a movie night complete with popcorn, a Disney classic, and snuggling on the couch in one of the common rooms with Lisa, Mike, Shane, and my daughter.

Eager to get back to the wooden puzzle she was busying herself with when I walked in, Maegan started squirming so I put her down.

Now that my arms were free, Shane gave me a hug and kiss as he asked, "How was school, sweetheart?"

"It was okay," I said, hoping Shane didn't notice me flinch in pain from his embrace. No such luck.

Shane lifted the edge of my shirt sleeve, pushing it up slightly to reveal an angry blue bruise. Noticing a similar bruise on my other arm in the same place, he quickly started to put two and two together. When Shane gripped my chin to force eye contact, he saw the red mark on my left cheek and the bruising under my eye. Despite trying to hide it with makeup, it was easily revealed by the harsh fluorescent lighting emanating from the ceiling.

"Who did this, Stacey?" Shane asked angrily, despite already knowing the answer.

"Shane, please don't. He's sorry. He didn't mean to. He was high, he didn't know what he was doing."

Shane's eyes darkened considerably as he growled, "Was Maegan in the house?"

"I'm fine, Shane. Please don't do anything," I begged.

"Was. my. granddaughter. in. the. house?" Shane repeated slowly and coldly.

Hanging my head in shame, I quietly answered, "Yes."

Shane's nostrils flared right along with his temper. Whipping his cell phone out, he angrily placed a call.

"Mike, I need you to grab Neil and meet me out front at the Foundation. We need to pay Sean a visit. Tell Neil to get what I need out of his safe. I'm on my way."

He paused, presumably to listen to Mike's response before replying, "He made the mistake of putting his hands on our daughter."

Shane put his phone away, grabbed his keys, and kissed the top of Maegan's head.

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