Lonely road

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As the days passed, Shane and Mike continued to be at odds, each too stubborn to mend the rift between them. Shane felt Mike should accept his apology and get over it already, plus he was miffed Mike punished Julie after he'd already done so. Mike was hurt by what he perceived to be Shane's betrayal and felt he wasn't near penitent enough for what he had done to him.

They tried to keep things cordial in front of the girls but they were having difficulty setting their feelings aside while working at the Foundation. Unfortunately, the two of them failed to notice that their boss had not only become glaringly aware of their disagreement, but he'd also taken it upon himself to put an end to it.

Sitting outside his office enjoying a spot of afternoon tea with his lovely assistant, Neil cringed hearing the boys arguing heatedly outside Shane's office. He couldn't make out what they were saying but it was obvious from their sour facial expressions, curt angry gestures, and rigid posturing that they were in the middle of yet another unpleasant disagreement about something or other.

Liz sighed as she saw the effect the men's altercation had on her husband. As soon as he heard them, he visibly tensed, gripping his teacup much tighter than necessary. The frown lines on his forehead displaying prominently while he pursed his lips tightly together in a disapproving scowl.

"What on God's green earth is the catalyst that ignited the turmoil between those two?" she questioned aloud, not necessarily expecting a response in return.

Sighing heavily now himself, Neil replied, "I don't know, luv, but I intend to put a stop to it, post haste."

"Remember to be kind and understanding, sweetheart," Liz reminded her husband, knowing how much the boys' disagreements get under his skin.

Reaching out to give his wife's hand a gentle squeeze before raising it to his lips to softly kiss her knuckles, he said, "Don't fret, luv. At least two out of the three of us will make it back alive." Returning his wife's hand to its original resting place, he winked and smiled at his highschool sweetheart, silently thanking God for the millionth time for bringing this beautiful woman into his life.

Returning to the confines of his office behind closed doors, he called each of them, shouting into the phone, "My office now!" the moment they picked up.

When the boys entered his office, Neil picked up his keys and ordered, "Follow me."

Seeing the fire in his eyes, Liz cautioned her sexy, hot-tempered husband, "Remember what I said please, sweetheart," as he rushed out the door.

Although they were both curious as to what Neil had in store for them, Michael and Shane each wisely chose not to question him as they walked out to the parking lot, trailing close behind.

"What did you do?" Mike hissed quietly at Shane, sure he was the cause of Neil's current unpleasant mood.

"I didn't do anything," Shane angrily whispered back in defense. "This has to be your fault."

"Get in the car," Neil barked, in the backseat," he clarified. Unlocking the doors, he gave the two a menacing look before sliding into the driver's seat. "I am sick and tired of listening to the two of you bicker like petulant adolescents and today I'm putting a stop to it." Neil slammed the door for emphasis.

Before exiting the parking lot, Neil warned, "If I hear one word out of your mouths, I will whip the two of you like I own you. Am I understood, gentlemen?" He turned to glare at each of them, adding, "Nod if I'm clear."

Knowing they were in enough hot water already, the boys obediently nodded in agreement, not wanting to press their luck and push their boss beyond his limits.

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