Oh honey

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At the NJC

Stacey's pov

I sent Sean back to his apartment before going to break the news to my cousin and sisters. I wanted to do this alone, knowing they would probably ridicule me mercilessly before ultimately offering up their undying love and support.

Sitting on the floor of our room with Carrie and Lisa, I FaceTimed Julie.

"I have something I need to tell you guys and I wanted to do it all at once, so here goes. I'm pregnant and Sean's the father," I said quickly, taking the ripping off a band-aid approach.

Carrie's eyes widened as big as saucers, Lisa's jaw hit the floor, and my stupid cousin just laughed her ass off.

Wiping the tears from her eyes once she was able to contain her mirth at my expense, Julie said, "Oh, honey, you really have no taste when it comes to fornication or procreation. Do you?"

"You suck, cuz," I replied jokingly, knowing Julie was just being a smart ass.

"Yeah, but at least that won't get me knocked up like you," Julie retorted.

"Well, at least I'm not still hung up on a guy I went to grade school with," I sneered at my cousin, holding my phone up to see her reaction.

Julie chuckled.

"No, you've just got the spawn of dumb ass sired by the first guy you were horny enough to fuck as a sophomore percolating in your uterus," she taunted. "And I'm not hung up on Dan anymore, thank you very much."

"That's your first cousin once removed you're referring to as the spawn of dumb ass," I retorted. "Real nice."

"Um, hello!" Lisa interjected.

I turned to look at Lisa, positioning my phone so Julie could see her as well.

"What?" my cousin and I both said at the same time.

"You're kinda missing the big picture here." Lisa looked at us expectantly. "Stacey's pregnant. This is huge news and you two are arguing like idiots."

Julie replied, "Okay, first, we know she's pregnant. I was hearing it the same time as you. Second, we're not arguing and third, I think our banter was quite witty and far from idiotic."

Carrie hugged me, ignoring her sisters' inane chatter.

"I'm so happy for you, Stacey. I mean, this is a good thing right? You're going to have a baby."

Carrie was so sweet and sincere, I couldn't help smiling from ear to ear as I returned her embrace.

"Thanks, baby sis. Yes, this is a good thing. We know it's not gonna be easy but we'll love this baby and I hope his or her aunts will too."

"Of course we will, sis," Carrie replied emphatically. "Right guys?"

"Yeah, absolutely, you know we will," Julie echoed.

Lisa hugged me and said, "How could you even ask that, Stacey? Of course we'll love the little squirt. Just think how gorgeous this baby's gonna be." Lisa pulled back and put her hand on my stomach.

"Let's just hope it has your brains, cuz. I don't want to have to put my first cousin once removed on the short yellow bus when he or she is thirteen and still in fourth grade." Julie laughed and winked, "Ya know what I mean?"

We continued to joke around giving each other shit until Mike knocked on our door.

Poking his head in, he said, "Sorry to interrupt ladies but, Stacey, if you hear from your cousin, I need you to tell her that if she doesn't respond to my texts or answer my calls, I'm going to bring the belt we purchased together at the leather shop with me when I pay her a visit at her school and everyone in her dorm will know, without a shadow of a doubt, the type of correction I'll be administering to get her back on track."

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