One helluva long day

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Later that evening at the NJC

Shane's pov

After a rather tense, quiet meal with the girls, I asked Julie to join me in my room so we could have a talk. I already read Stacey the riot act on the ride home from the airport for what she did to Mindy, but I had yet to voice my concerns to Julie.

"I'd like to speak to you about what you and your cousin did to Mindy in the woods." I gestured to the chair opposite my desk as I took a seat.

"Okayyy," she replied hesitantly, as she sat across from me, "but Mike already punished me, ya know."

"Yes, and I'd like to speak to you about that as well."

"I'm sure Mike already told you everything so what do you want to know?" Julie rolled her eyes as she fiddled with the post on the back of her left earring.

"Roll your eyes at me again and the remainder of this conversation will take place with you face down on my bed as my black leather belt does the talking. Understood?" Hopefully Julie recognizes my threat is not an idle one as I am determined to enforce consequences for disrespect from these girls.

"Yeah, I get it," Julie replied nonchalantly.

I cleared my throat loudly as I stood up from behind my desk.

Thankfully, Julie took notice and amended her response.

"I meant, yes sir."

"That's better," I said, frowning at her as I furrowed my eyebrows. "Now I'd like you to explain your behaviour that afternoon in the woods."

"What do you want me to say, Shane? That it was a mistake? That I regret helping my cousin spank Mindy in the woods? That I'm sorry?" Julie's attitude was flippant and unconcerned. Clearly Mike's punishment failed to impress upon her the seriousness of her actions.

"You don't feel the least bit bad about spanking her and embarrassing her?" I know Julie cannot possibly be that callous.

"Yeah, I guess a little but she honestly got what she deserved."

"Like how you got what you deserved when Mike spanked your bare bottom in front of her and Rick?" I know Julie has to see the similarities here. I just need her to acknowledge that her foray into vigilante justice was inappropriate and is never to be repeated.

"That's different and you know it," Julie replied defensively.

"How so?" I asked.

"Because Mindy deserved what we did to her for being such a snitch. I didn't deserve what Mike did to me!" Julie's voice was escalating as she attempted to justify her actions.

"I'm sure Mindy would disagree. Don't you think?"

"What Mike did to me was way worse than me spankin' Mindy's butt a few times."

"Was it way worse than recording the spanking and threatening to post it online?" I'm not going to let this go until Julie can admit what she did was wrong.

Julie huffed and slumped down in her chair as she crossed her arms and scowled.

"Whatever. I knew you would side with Mike so I don't see the point of this conversation."

I'm really starting to grow frustrated with Julie's refusal to accept culpability.

"What you did was wrong, Julie, and I need you to understand that."

"Yeah, is that it? We might as well just agree to disagree cuz that's not gonna happen, Admiral." Julie remained stubbornly defiant.

"I don't appreciate your tone, young lady. You can count on another week without your phone." I spoke sternly and narrowed my eyes at her so she knows I mean business.

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