The Revelation

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Dr. Curtis's office

Julie's pov

"Well, uh, you know your mom was a nurse and Mike was a doctor so I, um, think they may have worked together at some point in time at the hospital." Shane swallowed hard and looked away as he rubbed the back of his neck. He was clearly unnerved.

Pointing to the picture, I argued, "Then why wouldn't anybody have told me that? Look at them, Shane. This isn't just a picture of two coworkers." I shook the picture at him as my frustration grew due to his continued silence. "If that's all this was, why would Dr. Curtis keep this from me? Why would you and Mike keep this from me?"

"Julie, it's not really my place." Shane looked nervously toward the door as if planning his escape route to avoid this awkward conversation.

I started to raise my voice as I became more impatient.


"Julie," Shane spoke my name in a way that conveyed not only his warning to watch my tone, but also his disappointment in the disrespectful way I referenced my mom and Mike.

"WHAT, SHANE?" My tone was sharp, which did not go unnoticed.

Perhaps merely out of reflex, Shane responded, "You watch the tone you take with me, young lady. You are not too old to be taken over my knee, Julie Elizabeth."

"I'm sorry, Shane," I apologized quickly, knowing full well he wouldn't hesitate to tan my hide, despite the fact I'm a full grown woman. "I'm just upset. I didn't mean to be rude." Several conflicting emotions culminated in the moment, bringing me to tears.

Seeing me so sad, Shane sighed and said, "Come here, sweetheart." He beckoned me into his open arms and I fully accepted.

I felt like a little kid again as Shane rocked me and shushed me, holding me firmly against his chest until I calmed down. After a few minutes, I was finally able to find my voice.

"I'm not stupid, Shane, I know what this means," I said, referencing the photo. "I just don't understand. Has he always known? Why did he leave my mom? Why didn't he tell me?"

"He didn't know he was your biological father until a couple months before your highschool graduation. He found out when he saw your birth certificate while he was applying for each of your passports for the cruise. I can't speak to the relationship he had with your mom, maybe Dr. Curtis can shed some light on that for you."

"Do you think he would tell me?" I asked Shane, honestly curious of his answer.

"That's something you'll have to discuss with him. As far as why Mike didn't tell you, well, he wanted to, luv, he really did but he was afraid of hurting your cousin and sisters. He loved all of you with his whole heart." Shane lifted my chin to meet his eyes before continuing, "Just like Dr. Curtis said at the funeral. Don't ever doubt that, Julie, I mean ever. Do you understand?"

"Yes sir," I replied, as fresh tears trickled down my cheeks.

Shane gently wiped them away.

"He was afraid if the four of you knew the truth, everything would change and not necessarily for the better. He couldn't risk damaging his relationship with you, your cousin, or your sisters, or your relationships with each other. Can you understand that, sweetheart?" Shane lovingly stroked my face with his thumb as he looked sadly into my eyes.

"I guess," I said, with little conviction.

"Julie, you were his daughter from the moment he laid eyes on you the very first day you came to the NJC. He didn't need any DNA test to know that. His love for you and your cousin and sisters knew no bounds. Don't ever forget that."

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