! T H I R T Y - S I X !

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Averys POV:

The ride back from the shop was as awkward as it was when we were on our way and I was glad to be going back home so I could isolate myself in my room. We had gotten a lot of decorations and people were coming over the day before the party to fix everything. 

I still wasn't sure what I was gonna be for Halloween but it didn't really matter since I was sure Faith, Veronica, and Elena would come up with something for me.  They were coming to the party as well as everyone in the school and they were just as excited. The whole school was talking about it.

We get home and I exit the car not bothering to help bring the decor inside and go to my room. Not sure what to do and not in the mood to watch tv I do some homework. Crazy right, but I had an assignment due on Monday. Which was tomorrow. I always do my work last minute and since I've been starting to get better at school it was proving to be a good way to get my work done instead of spending a whole weekend dwelling on it.

Two hours later I'm almost done when I hear a vibration coming from my phone. Checking it I see that it's Alessandro and I open the message and for some reason, I'm excited knowing that it's him who texted me. 


Wanna go get some ice cream?


Yes, please.


Great! I'm right outside. 


I'll be there in ten.







In a hurry, I leap out from my chair accidentally making my pencil case fall causing it to scatter all over the floor but I ignore it looking in the mirror to recheck that what was wearing was suitable. It wasn't.

Quickly I go into my wardrobe and search for something else to wear finally finding something I throw on a high-necked long sleeve white shirt and a plaid top over it and tucking it into black pants with Doc Martins. I also put on a necklace, a bit of lavender-scented perfume.  I do a once over one last time before grabbing my phone, stuffing some cash into my pocket then going downstairs.

I go down so fast I nearly trip over before catching myself. Just as I'm opening the door there's a voice behind me. "Where are you going?"

I turn my head and see Jesse. "Out."

"With who?"

"A friend."

He stares at me for a few seconds, a questioning look on his face before nodding his head. "Be back before ten pm."

I nod and go outside closing the door behind me and walk towards the gate and just as he said he's waiting right there.

"Hey," He says with his dimpled smile.

"Hey," I say back nervously not knowing why.

"Let's go." He says and he starts walking and I follow next to him.


Alessandro's POV:

I stretch back on my chair, my hands behind my head. It's Sunday and I'm at The Vault working when I think back to when Camryn came. He was different now. He wasn't young and naive anymore, Juvie had clearly worked some wonders on him and I wondered how the job would go.

Not wanting to work and in the sudden mood for ice cream, I remember Avery. I could now see why Camryn was drawn to her. She was unlike any other I've met before. She didn't care what people thought of her and did her own thing. Her style as well was different compared to other girls she covered herself in large clothes rather than flaunt her figure. 

Unconsciously a smile crept onto my face but I wiped it off with a hard glare at my desk. The only reason I was talking to her was to scare Camryn and that was how it was going to stay. Nothing else.

An idea pops into my head and I smirk getting up. I leave The Vault but not before instructing everyone on what I wanted them to do before they headed home. I call a cab and go to Avery's.

When I'm outside the gate I look at the large house and a glazed look comes across my face. It's funny how before this was the place I hung out at the most and now I avoided it. But now that has changed.

I take out my phone and I text Avery to see if she wanted to come and get some ice-cream. I already knew she'd say yes and just as expected she did. All I had to do was smile and I had any girl in the palm of my hand.

Ten minutes later she finally comes outside like she says she would. I look her up and down and involuntarily smile at her outfit choice. It was good.

"Hey," I say.

"Hey." She says but without a smile and I'm curious as to why she doesn't. I mean she got away from her dad didn't she?

"Let's go," I say and I start walking forward with Avery beside me.

Averys POV:

"When your birthday?" Alessandro suddenly asks as we sit in the park with our ice-creams.

I glance at him from the side before answering. "November thirteenth. What about you, when is yours?" 

"May twenty-ninth." He responds.

"Any plans for your birthday?" I ask even though it's still a good few months away.

"None at all." He says with a lopsided smile.

"Same here."

His eyes widen and he has a grin plastered on his face. "How about we both celebrate our birthdays here, in the park, together with ice cream?"

I'm warmed by his suggestion and almost smile. Almost but I don't. "That'd be a great idea." 

We've been outside for a while and I check my phone it's almost half nine. Were within a short walking distance from the house so I didn't need to rush but I stand up thinking it'd be better if I just went home now. I was tired and was just about stifling a yawn and I had school tomorrow.

I stand up. "I need to start heading home now."

He stands up as well finishing his ice cream and tosses the cup into a nearby bin and takes mine and does the same. Our fingers touch and I shiver at the contact. Hoping he doesn't notice I step back from him.

"I'll walk back with you." He says putting his hand into his pocket not quite meeting my eye.  And I almost grimace horrified that he felt awkward by what had happened.

"No it's fine you don't have to." I shake my head not wanting to trouble him my cheeks getting red but hoping hell think it's from the cold. 

"I want to." He looks at me this time and his smile takes my breath away.


Hey, guys hope you liked this chapter. Hmm looks like Avey has got a bit of a crush don't ya think and judging by some previous comments there are some who prefer her with Camryn and some with Alessandro. So are ye Team Camryn or Team Alessandro? Lemme know :))

Slater broooooooooooooooooooos.


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