< S E V E N >

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School starts tomorrow lucky me. I have all my books and pens and a book bag. So I'm all set.

Mike and Sheila are at work which means I'm home alone with the boys. Damon and I haven't spoken since the incident. He sends me glares when he thinks I don't see them but of course I do. I don't know if the others have noticed the tension between us and if they have, they haven't let on.

Most of the time when Sheila and Mike aren't home I'd just stay in my room and watch movies. Even when I'm not in my room I just find something to distract myself.

"Our friends are coming over. They'll be here any minute." I looked up from my book to see Eli.

I nod my head to say ok and looked back down at my phone.

"So maybe you should go get changed." He gave me a pointed look and I remembered that I was still in my PJs.

Again I nod my head not replying and go upstairs. I didn't have a shower yet today so I might as well have one before getting changed.

Since I was feeling slightly cold I had a warm shower. When I was done I put on black high waisted jeans, a black and white striped long sleeved crop top and my black converse. I also put two black rose clips to hold back my messy brown hair.

I hear voices downstairs when I'm done and I can tell that their 'friends' are here.

I really don't wanna go downstairs now so I begin sorting out my books and bag for school making sure I have everything ready for tomorrow.

It only takes about 15 minutes since I've already checked and rechecked it multiple times. I really can't afford anything to go wrong especially when I'm starting at a new school so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Taking a deep breath I open the door of my room and go downstairs.

I fell to the ground and silently cried in pain at what John had done. Was it really necessary for him to hurt me like that! And for what, just because I broke on small bowl that probably cost 5 pounds.

I clean up quickly and go to treat my cut that was now bleeding heavily. It needed to be stitched and there's no way in hell am I going to a hospital.

So I stitched it up myself. Ouch I know but what else can I do. I don't want to bleed to death.

Thankfully the rest of the evening went by smoothly and I wasn't bothered by John at all.

I walked down the halls to Cleonas locker sending glares to people as I walked past. Just as I got there I saw that she was with Bridget and the rest of her despicable minions. 

That wasn't the most surprising thing though. What surprised me was that Cleona was wearing makeup that made her look like and oompa loompa. Her top was so cropped that her boobs were almost spilling out of it. 90% was most likely tissues stuffed down her bra. She was also wearing the shortest skirt ever and really high heels. I don't know how people find the confidence to wear that kind of clothes in public.

"Cleona?" I called her grimacing at her clothes.

"What do you want?" She spat at me. I was shocked. One night at a sleepover with the most annoying person in the school and she's turned you into her minion. Wow.

"Oh I'm sorry. I just wanted to say hello like a normal friend would do." I said rolling my eyes.

Bridget laughed and so did Cleona and her minions. "Who would wanna be friends with you?" Bridget sneered.

"Sorry Avery but we were never friends." Cleona said and they all walked off. To be exact they strutted off swaying their hips purposefully catching the attention of the stupid morons in our school (basically everyone) who worshipped them like gods.

I shake my head in anger. Even in our short amount of time beings friends I really thought we were actually friends. Now I can see how was wrong I was, far from it even. This even shows how much I'm destined to be alone.

Whoever said there's such thing as hope is a liar.

End of flashback

I make sure that my face is blank going down the stairs and to the sitting room. I watch each of my steps being careful not to trip. When I look back up the chatter has stopped and everyone's stare is on me.

I look around the room and see that there are about 10 other people besides my 'brothers' in the room gaping at me.

I really hate being stared at it makes me uncomfortable. So going into defensive mode I say, "Take a picture it might last longer." and I round the corner going into the kitchen.

I see a packet of oreos at the top shelf and try to get it. Of course I'm not tall enough and when I feel my top ride up my stomach I put my hand down fearful someone might come in and see the scars and bruises.

Instead I leave the kitchen and try to sneak back up to my room and avoid having to interact with them but Alex spots me.

"Avery." Alex smiled when he saw me. I didn't say anything just keeping my face blank and sitting down next to him.

"Dude. Why doesn't she talk? She mute or what?" One of their friends says causing everyone but the Dalys to laugh.

"Yeah, she's mute." Damon says and I glare at him.

"Anyways," Benji drawls. "This is our sister Avery."

They all nod their heads and they all introduce themselves.

There's Miller, Harvey, Denis and Richie. They're all the twins friends so they're also 16.

Then there's Leo and Drake they're Elis friends. They both have tattoos and look intimidating just like him.

Damon friends are Daniel, Freddie and Gavin who are also intimidating but not as much as Elis friends.

When everyone's done introducing themselves they all turn to me. Again expecting me to say say something.

I inwardly sigh as I introduce myself. "I'm Avery. 16 and a sophomore."

"That's the shortest introduction I've ever heard." Richie says and the rest agree.

"Are you from England?" Leo asks and I nod my head.

"Well obviously. Can't you tell from her accent? " Drake says chuffing him round the head.

Then they begin wrestling and everyone eggs them on. I just lean back on the couch wishing for the day to be over.

Hope ye liked this one. Averys first day at her new school is tomorrow so let's hope everything goes well. We'll something besides hope since Avery doesn't beleive in it....


Slater brooooooooooooos

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