- F O R T Y - N I N E -

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((Averys outfit ^^))

Avery's POV:

I watch Alessandro's car drive away and thump myself on the forehead scolding myself for bringing it up. I should've just kept my mouth shut and not said a word about it. I sigh turning around knowing that there was nothing  I could do about it now.

I look at the gates of the house and again sigh heavily remembering what had happened hours before and I was just not ready to face it at all. I thought I was doing fine now that John was gone but I really wasn't. If I wasn't able to deal with even hearing his name, I wasn't sure how I was gonna deal with even visiting him. If I did that is. 

I type in the code to the sidewalk gate and it buzzes letting me through and automatically shuts a few seconds after I pass through. I walk slowly towards the front door hoping time would go slowly so whatever it was I was going to have to deal with after opening the door wouldn't come as fast. 

I step up the porch stairs and bring my hand up to ring the doorbell since I didn't have my keys with me. My hands stop inches away from the bell and I drop it down to my side turning away and pulling at my hair. I couldn't. 

A pace back and forth in front of the door contemplating whether or not I should ring the doorbell or not. I decide on the latter and lean on the wall near the door sliding down to a sitting position. I bring my knees up to my chest, hugging my legs I rest my head on my knees. I wasn't going to go in. I would stay out here for the night and hopefully, when I went in tomorrow it would all be forgotten. 

I sit up and zip up my jacket before hugging my legs again. I close my eyes hoping for some sleep in the rather uncomfortable position and manage to find some and drift off...


"She's not just my child, she's yours too!" John screams.

"Even if she is that doesn't mean you can't take care of her!" Mom yells back. 

"Can't you see I'm busy with work!"  

"Then get a babysitter!" 

"Why should I get a babysitter when you're here sitting on your ass all day?"  

I turn the volume of my headphones all the way up, drowning their voices out. A few stray tears roll down my cheek and I quickly wipe them off. 

Fighting. It's all they've been doing and I'm sure it's all they'd do as time went on. It always started off as something small, like one of them forgetting to switch something off or leaving things lying around, then it'd escalate into something bigger. 

I was sick and tired of it. It was as if they found it to be some kind of hobby, yelling at each other all day and night, then receiving noise complaints from the neighbours. That's how loud they were. 

"I'm not doing this anymore John. I cant." I hear my mom say through the music. 

"Can't do what?" John asks not shouting anymore and this time I switch off the music getting up from my bed and kneeling with my ear against the door. 

"This. Us. We were never like this before, now we're always arguing. All I want is to spend time with you yet all you wanna do is spend time working instead of me, your wife." Mom says and Her voice cracks and I know she's crying.

"How else am I supposed to earn money for us to live if I don't work, Janet? We have a child if you've forgotten, instead of crying about not spending time with me, spend time with her?" John says and I frown when he mentions me.

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