¦ E I G H T E E N ¦

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I fiddle with my top until it covers me properly. They've probably already seen the scars but just in case they haven't I'd rather cover the scars.

Sheila pushes the front door open and we go inside. No ones sitting on the couches near the door and I let out a sigh of relief.

"Go into the living room and I'll bring you something to eat." Sheila says before disappearing down the hall and into the kitchen.

I open the door of the living room and instantly regret it. Eli and the twins were all there and their eyes were on me.

"I'm just gonna go..." I start backing out of the room.

Before I can back out any further I bump into someone behind me and immediately turn around.

Damon stands at the door smirking with his arms crossed. "Not so fast."

Defeated, I sigh and go back into the living room, perching on the couch furthest away from everyone else.

I look at the twins who were staring at me. They were obviously in on what was going to happen.

Eli clears his throat. "So, what happened?"

Do you ever get annoyed when someone asks you something they already know the answer to? Yeah, that's me at this very moment.

"You obviously know what happened." I say.

"Uh, no not really, I was kinda busy." Damon says with a knowing smirk as he takes a seat on the couch.

I look at the twins, who up until now haven't said anything, hoping that they'd put a stop to whatever B.S they were trying to pull on me. The twins don't do or say anything.

"As far as we know you were sent into hospital because that scum Camryn pushed you in." Eli says grimly.

As much as I hate Camryn it would be childish of me to say he did something he didn't do. "He didn't push me in, I fell in."

"It doesn't matter if he pushed you in or not what really matters is how you know him." The tone of Damons voice darkens as he says this.


"And forget about trying to deny that you don't. Everyone knows there's something going on, so what is it?" Damon demands.

The nerve of him! On what grounds give him the right to demand I tell him something I don't want to. "None of your business that's what it is."

I glare at him and he glares back, a routine that we've begun to pick up. If we're not glaring at each other he's smirking at me while I still glare.

"It is our business cause you're our sister." Eli insists.

"You have never once treated me as a sister. Not once! But when it suits you the most, when you want answers that I already said I won't tell you, that's when you call me your sister." I was beyond enraged.

I look at each and everyone of them with every ounce of hatred that I had for them.

"I- I think you guys should stop." Alex interjects.

He and Benji looked uneasy, glancing between me and their brothers before looking down again.

Just before Eli or Damon can get another word in the door opens. "Here you go Avery. I've brought extra for the boys too."

Sheila enters with a bright smile on her face and a tray of snacks. As much as I didn't want to disappoint her by not eating anything I just wanted to leave.

"I'm feeling tired so I'll go to sleep now. Sorry." I say to her.

She places the tray down into the table in the middle of the room. "That's alright. Goodnight."

Oblivious to the tension in the air she begins flicking through the channels on the T.V.

I go to my room and into the bed, not even bothering to change into Pj's.


"Avery!" John yells from downstairs.

Not wanting to risk getting a beating I race down the stairs immediately.

I look at the floor when I enter the living room. "Y-Yes John."

He has his jacket on and car keys in his hand. I inwardly sigh in relief as it's a clear sign he was leaving.

"By the time I come back I want this place spotless. So shiny I can see my reflextion. Got it?" John says.

I nod my head muttering a quiet yes. Going into the kitchen I pretend to get started but peek through the door to see him leave. Quietly I go to the door facing the front yard and see his car backing out of the driveway.

My tense body instantly relaxes once he's gone and i sit onto the couch. He's done this before, leave for a couple days and not come back. So I'd have time to start the cleaning tomorrow morning and get it done by the evening. Hopefully anyways.

Not knowing what to do I look around the house and see how it's gotten even more dirty and scrunch my nose.

I stop at the door of Johns room in conflict with myself on whether I should go in or not.

The door has been left ajar so I can see inside. It's messy of course, clothes strewn everywhere, empty bottles of wine and cans of beer cover everything.

Then I notice a small drawer that has been slightly left open. I'll have you know it was odd as John kept them all tightly sealed.

As curious as any person I go towards it and open it fully. The contents surprise me as I didn't take John as the type to take drugs.

There were dozen of little sachets of white powder and bottles of pills. I take a sachet and open it and spilling its contents out onto the dresser carefully.

I look around for a straw of some sort but after finding none I cut a piece of paper before rolling it.

I bring myself towards the contents on the table but then stop. One little sachet missing isn't a big deal right? He wouldn't notice it, would he? He's drunk most of the time so he shouldn't.

Reassuring myself that he would miss it, I begin snorting it.

Because of how often I've done it, it didn't feel as uncomfortable and soon the table is clear of any evidence.

Beginning to feel light headed, since it was working, i go downstairs. As I wobble around and bumping into things I hear a door open.

"What the hell are you doing!" John roars so load my ears begin to ring. Even high, I know that I was dead meat.

Not being able to think or talk straight I mumble words hoping it would make sense.

Just then my hair is roughly grabbed and I'm hit really hard.

End of flashback

Helllooooo everybodyyyy. Thankfully this chapter was saved in my revision history like aammmeeennn to that. Cause if it wasn't there I would been so mf screwed. Also I just wanted to ask, I've seen in some stories that they'd put pictures of the main characters outfit and I just wanted to know if I should do that too since I have like loads saved on Pinterest. I did it for the next chapter just in case so let me know :)

But anywayyysssss, I hope ye liked this chapterrr. Slater broooooooooooss.


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