§ T W E N T Y - E I G H T §

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Camryns POV

Half way through the movie I'm watching, my phone vibrates as I receive a message. Thinking its mom I pick it up only to see a message from an unknown number.

I can't ignore it as it let's the person know I've seen it already, and I read the message.

The vault. 4pm. Don't be late. - A

I roll my eyes at the blunt message and reply with a no, before turning off my phone and going back to the movie.

Averys POV

I got into class sitting at my usual place at the back of the class. The girls weren't in my class but Ron was so it was bearable.

A few minutes after I had sat down he sat next to me, in his usual place.

"Well wasn't that interesting?" He says referring to what had happened in the cafeteria.

"Yeah." I say as I take out my books.

"What do you think their punishment will be? Detentions or suspension? Or what about expulsion?" He guesses.

"They'll get suspended." I say from experience.

"Sucks to be them." he laughs and I nod my head.

The teacher still wasn't here, yet most of the class was already. Soon the door opened and people got quiet expecting the teacher but it was just Benji and Alex so they all went back to chattering again.

They started walking towards their seats but they pass it, stopping at our desks.

"Uhm, need anything?" I ask looking up at the both of them.

"Just for him to move." Benji says.

Ron and I share a look. "Your seats are over there why do I need to move?"

"What my brother means to ask is if you could kindly swap seats with us today since we need to talk to Avery." Alex says putting it in a nicer way than what Benji said.

"Uhh, OK. Sure." he says unsurely picking up his bag and getting up. He looks at me and shrugs as he starts to move to his new seat.

"You could've just talked to me after class." I say not looking forward to the fact that I had to spend the rest of the class sitting next to them.

"We couldn't. We needed to talk now." Alex says.

"OK talk then." I say with a blank stare.

Benji grins at me with a proud look. "That doesn't scare me anymore."

I almost laugh when I hear this. Almost. "I scared you?"

"No..." he says trying to deny it.

"Guys were going off topic. We wanted to ask about Camryn." Alex says.

"What about him?" I ask.

"You've seriously got to stop talking to him. He's really bad news." He says and I roll my eyes.

"I've heard that one before and he's the one always talking to me. Not the other way around." I say.

"Why does he want to talk to you though?" Alex asks.

"It's complicated, OK?"

Benji smirks. "Complicated?"

Alex hits him on the head and Benji groans. "We don't have time for that Benji."

"You didn't have to hit me though." Benji says glaring at his brother.

They then begin bickering and I turn facing the front, ignoring them. The teacher finally comes and the class begins.

Classes are finally over and I'm happy about that, but then I remember all the homework I have and I groan.

I put the books I don't need in my locker and take the ones I need when Benji and Alex stop next to me.

"What is it now?" I ask them still getting my books.

"We have to get the bus today." Benji says holding the straps of his bag.

"Weren't we supposed to get a ride with Eli?"

"We were but he and Damon left earlier because of what happened." Alex says and I nod my head slowly.

Just as I'm about to close my locker a piece of paper falls out. I squint at it not remembering putting that in my locker but opening it just in case it was something important, like notes from a class or something I needed to remember.

I read the note and frown.

Meet me at the park at 3.30pm. Please, we need to talk. I'll be on the bench closest to the trees, farthest from the park. - Camryn G.

I sigh slightly happy that Camryn was finally going to tell me what happened.

I look up to see Alex and Benji already heading towards the school exit. Thank goodness they didn't see or they would've ratted me out and did everything in their power to stop me from going. 

I crumple the note, putting it into my pocket before catching up with them. "Hey guys wait up."

They turn slowing down waiting for me to catch up before walking at their normal pace again.

We wait for the bus which takes almost an hour to arrive and before I know it, it's already 3pm. When we finally enter the bus my foot taps on the floor impatiently.

The stop at the park finally comes into view and I quickly try to come up with an excuse as to why I was going to the park.

"Do you need the bathroom or something?" Benji asks with an amused smile.

"Uh no I don't actually. I need to make a quick stop here but I'll be back home soon." I say hoping that they wouldn't ask.

"For what?" Alex asks.

"I need to... get some leaves for an art project." I say trying to look somewhat believable.

They nod their heads and I press the bell for the bus to stop and come out of it and watch as the twins wave me goodbye with goofy looks on their faces.

I check my watch and see that its 3.35 and start running towards the bench Gavin described as being farthest from the park and closer to the trees.

As I get closer I see a figure sitting on the bench with their back facing towards me. I run faster not wanting to make him wait any longer.

I finally come to a stop right at the bench panting with my hands on my knees and looking at the grass trying to catch my breath.

Camryn stands up and turns towards me and I frown in confusion. "Sorry I'm....late?"

Hey guys I hope you liked this chapter. I am very sorry (kinda) for purposely leaving you guys on a cliffhanger. Also schools in America finish around 2 and that's so unfair, secondary schools here in Ireland finish at almost 4pm :(
Slater broooooooooooooooooooos.


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