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My eyes fluttered open at a beeping sound and I adjusted my eyes to the lighting of the room.

A hospital. I was in the hospital. I sat up but was gently pushed back down to lie down again.

"I'm sorry miss but you have to stay down. Doctors orders." I looked at the nametag of the nurse and saw her name was Nurse Morrison.

I nodded my head and got comfortable in the bed. I thought back to the previous events that got me to this state.

John is gone, that rhymes. I'm going to a new family. I sighed at these two thoughts. John would've never turned himself in. Never. The fact that he did this was so surprising that I couldn't believe it. He was high and drunk. Don't know what off, maybe marijuana? Cocaine?

I tried some of them and they worked for a while but when  John found out he was furious and beat me to a pulp so I didn't touch them again. Well I do when I really need an escape but that's not the point. The only good thing about it was that I was able to forget about how messed up life was for a while.

A new family. Now this is something even more extraordinary. Why would a family want to take someone like me? If they knew what I've been through, if they knew how broken I was, if they knew I'm sure they never would've allowed to take me in.

The door to the hospital room I was in opened and several people came in. One was dressed in a doctors attire, two were dressed in police uniforms and the last one was dressed in a formal suit.

"Hello Miss Moneece." The doctor said.

"It's Avery." I corrected.

"Ah yes, sorry, Avery. How're you feeling?" He asked while filling out some sheets.

"I'm good. Can I go home now?" I asked.

"This is where I come in." The man with the formal suit said. He had a large binder in his hand and flipped a couple of pages before resting on one.

"My name is Mr. Griffin I'm a social worker. The police will question you on this later but as you've probably heard your father is in prison."

I said nothing and just stared emotionlesly at him.

He seemed a bit unsettled when I did this but this is how I normally look so he's gonna have to deal with it. I can't risk showing any emotions, I just can't.

He continued nervously. "Well, you will have a new family that will be fostering you. They're a very nice family and quite well known too. You'll have siblings and parents. Mr and Ms Daly will be your parents. They are the founders of Daly Designs."

I nodded my head again. I knew who the Dalys were, everyone did. They created the most expensive clothes ever and were one of the best in th fashion industry. Whenever they released something no matter what the price, they were sold out immediately. Like literally.

I nodded at the social worker and shifted my gaze to the police officers.

"I'm Officer Mickelson and my colleague is Officer Davidson. We are just going to be asking a couple of questions. Please answer honestly and we'll be done soon."

They asked many questions like how long has this been going on, what he did, what pushed him to do this etc. Even though i was reluctant to answer the questions I answered truthfully. They told me that he was sentenced to about 50 to 55 years in prison for child abuse and other things that I had no clue about.

When they left I was thankful as it was getting tiring. Unfortunately I couldn't go back to sleep since the doctor and social worker still wanted to talk to me.

"Your new family lives in South Carolina so tomorrow you will be taking the plane there and you'll be living with them until your 18 and you'll be able to decide your path after then." The social worker said. He also gave me details of the flight and things that I'll need to do. I listened patiently until he was done talking.

The doctor then came in and told me that I was soon able to leave. He also gave me an ointment that I should put on so that the bruises and scars can heal faster but he said some scars won't be able to go.

I guess I'll have a permanent reminder of how much of a let down I am.

I sat down on my bed and looked around the room. Tomorrow I'll be leaving England, my home, to go to South Carolina, my new home. I'll be meeting my new family soon.

Im happy that I'm gonna leave this horrible place, I'm happy that I'll be able to start afresh. But I can't help but feel scared too. What if they don't like me? What if they treat me just like John did? I shudder at the last thought and shake my head.

"Well let's get packing." I said to myself.

I found an old suitcase and cleaned it since it was full of dust. I then gathered all my clothes which wasn't that much just 2 pairs of black jeans, 3 black jumpers and tops, a pair of boots and a toothbrush. I also put in the ointment the doctor gave me and a box that was full of memories when John, Mom and I lived happily as a family.

When I was done packing I layed down in my bed and let sleep take over.

"Boarding door of plane to Carolina is now open. Please make your way over." The airport intercom stated.

I took out my boarding pass and showed it to the desk. They checked it and I was let into the plane.

I looked for my seat and quickly found it. Ms. Daly payed for a first class seat and I sighed looking out the window as I sat down comfortably.

There were loads of foods to try and there were sweets too. I have a very soft spot for sweets.

I closed my eyes and went to sleep for the duration of the flight after eating.

The flight went by smoothly and I had a great sleep.

I exited the plane with the rest of the passengers. The airport was packed with people and were all wearing summer clothes.

I took my luggage and looked around the may people holding signs. The social worker said that since Mr and Ms Daly were busy with the company, their driver would come get me instead.

Soon I found my name in a very bright red on a white board. The man holding it was dressed in all black just like me but his was a suit mine was just an old pair of ripped jeans and a scruffy black jumper and black very old converse. I made my way over to the driver.

He looked me up and down before asking a question. "Miss Avery Moneece." I nodded my head and he took my luggage leading me towards the car. It was a navy Rolls-Royce and I almost showed emotion when I saw it. This car probably cost thousands.

The driver opened the door for me and I went inside. I watched as he put my bag in the boot of the car before sitting down in the front. He began driving and I fell asleep.

Soon I'll have a new life. A new beginning. A new start.

I hope you like this one. I didn't know what to write so I hope all this made sense and was atleast a bit interesting. Anyways let's wish Avery luck on starting a new life.


Slater broooooos (^_-)

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