¬ T W E L V E ¬

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"I thought you said you'd be out for 2 hours?" Alex questions me when I come back home.

"Sorry they went a bit overboard." I close the door behind me and set my things down. "Where's everyone else?"

"Mom and Dad are at work and everyone else except Damon is in the game room." Alex says and I nod my head.

I tell him that I'm gonna bring my things upstairs and join them.

I put the clothes that I bought in my wardrobe and start doing my homework. Only the second day back and we have homework sadly. At least we didn't have any the first day.

Soon I'm done and I take a shower changing into my PJs, just a pair of black sweats and a long sleeved shirt.

Again I check my bruises, most are gone but a lot are still there, if that even makes sense. I really hope they go before anyone notices.

Going down the stairs I hear the door opening quietly and shoes shuffling. Then a groaning Damon comes into view.

"Holy mother of Jesus." I say with in surprise with a blank expression when I see the state of him. That's funny, being surprised on the inside but looking totally bored on the outside.

Bruises and cuts cover his face and he has a bloody nose. He's limping and holding his ribs. It doesn't take a genius to know what happened.

"Mind your own business." Damon glares at me.

"Your coming home looking like that and you want me to ignore it?" I ask him annoyed.

"Yes. That's exactly what I want you to do, ignore it." He says as he falls down onto the couche.

I go over to him and take on of his arms putting it around my shoulder and my hand on his waist. Even though all the contact is way out of my comfort zone I ignore it.

"What are you doing? I don't need your help." He tries to get out of my grip but I don't let him.

"I'm trying to help you and Damon, you need a lot of help." I say rolling my eyes and pulling him towards the stairs.

I bring him to my room and sit him on my bed and go to my bathroom to get the first aid kit I keep there just for emergencies.

Taking a cotton bud I put a bit of alcohol on it. Not the alcohol you drink, the alcohol you use to treat cuts. I begin to then clean his wounds.

"As much as I really want to beat you up it won't be fun if you're already hurt." I say. A couple minutes later I'm finished cleaning him up and I put the things away.

"You wouldn't win anyways." Damon say smirking.

"Try me." I cross my arm and raise my brow.

"Sorry I don't have time to fight little girls." He remarks.

I roll my eyes and begin to talk again but seriously. "What happened? I know guys usually get into fights but not one's that injure you this badly."

"What do you know? You probably spent your entire life being a nerd and hiding behind books."

"Trust me I know. Also you know nothing about me so don't try and act like you do." I hate it when people think they know everything about you.

"Are you starting the pity act again, I already said its not going to work?" He rolls his eyes and I can't help but get angry.

"If I was really just a nerd I wouldn't be here. I wouldn't be quiet all the time and barely talk, I wouldn't be emotionless and not know how to laugh. The reason I'm here is because-. You know what I'm not going to explain myself to you. Get out." I tell him standing up and wipping the tears that excaped from eyes.

"Wait. What?" He says confused.

"GET OUT!" I screach so loud that he flinches backwards.


"Get. Out. " I say again calmly but this time opening the door and pushing him out.

I slam the door shut and lock it.

"Aww what's little Avery gonna do about it?" Jackson taunts and his friends laugh.

"I'm gonna call the police on you guys for harassing me." I glare at them not backing down.

Jackson, Mika, Louis and Damien. They're the bully's of our school. They think that they can try and bully me just because of my lack of speech and emotion. It'll suck to be them when I beat the shitoke mushrooms outta them.

"And how will you do that?" Mika asks crossing his arms with a smirl on his face.

Taking out my phone and wriggling it in front of their faces. "Like this."

A look of shock registered on their faces before sense popped into their heads. Louis tried to grab my phone but I pulled it back out of his way at the last second and put my foot out tripping him.

He fell to the floor face first and I laughed at the sight of him.

"What the hell!" He shouted as he got up. I just smirked at him waiting for him to do something.

He just glared at me so I shrugged my shoulders and before I could walk away my head was whipped to side.

I held my stinging cheek and looked at the person who punched me. Jackson.

"Dude that was way out of line you don't punch a girl." Damien says shocked.

Damien was the nicest one out of the four of them. He never did anything to me, he just stood and watched.

"She asked for it." Jackson says crossing his arms with a triumphant smirk.

"Aww what you gonna do about it?" Mika taunting me this time.

"I doubt she'll be able to do anything all she probably does is sit around and read books and suck up to teachers like the complete nerd she is." Louis said.

I clenched my jaw tightly. I hated it when people assumed everything about me. I saw a wooden plank on the ground and that's when all hell broke loose.

"Stupid excuse of a daughter." John seethed as he looked me.

For once I felt no remorse for what i did. They had what they had coming.

I used the plank and it wouldn't be that hard to know what I did with it. I didn't hurt Damien though. I did it out of pure rage. If it wasn't for Damien calling the cops and ambulance, then there would've been an eighty percent chance that they would be been really badly injured. That is if they would've been still breathing by then.

I don't care. They deserved it.

Sadly or luckily for me John bailed me out.
End of flashback

He didn't even try apologise or get me out of my room. None of them did.

Which is why I'll be sure to make myself scarce. They obviously don't want me staying with them. They've most likely already labeled me as a charity case.

With a scoff I think to myself.

I'll be sure to give them a charity case. Since none of them especially Damon want me near Camryn, I'll be doing the complete opposite.
Oh Em Gee. Looks like Averys mad and btw I don't think it's a good thing. Anyways I hope ye liked this chapter. Also what do you think she'll do. Also it was my birthday today. I feel old but not old enough ya feel me.


Slater brooooooooooooooos

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