¶ T H I R T Y - T H R E E ¶

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I went to school the next day at ease. I had done all of my homework and it had taken my mind off everything. Don't get me wrong I still hate it a lot, with a strong passion, but sometimes and only sometimes can it be relaxing. Well depending on what you're doing. 

I was anticipating seeing Camryn after his suspension because I was really mad that he never showed up, once again. But I guess there's only myself to blame since I actually believed that stupid boy.

I was with Veronica, Faith, and Elena and I had already told them the events of what happened the day before. They, of course, we're excited when I told them.

"Damn Avery. You're getting all the hot boys." That is what Veronica had told me that morning.

Besides that, the day went extremely well and for once I didn't have any of the Daly brothers at my back pestering me. Soon our last lunch break of the day came and I was glad that we could take a rest from our classes. 

"So what have the Dalys decided for this year's Halloween party?" Elena asked taking a bite of her apple. 

I shrugged my shoulders taking a sip of my water. "I'm not sure. They were talking about yesterday but I don't think they've decided on anything yet." 

"I know what I'm going as this year," Marcus said with a grin. 

"Well let's hope it's better than last year's," Ron said rolling his eyes.

The others agreed and Faith, seeing my confused expression, filled me in. "He thought that dressing up as a tree was a great costume."

"A tree?" I asked giving him an odd look.

"Yup. And you guys can't deny my idea was the coolest." Marcus boasted.

Veronica made a face at him. "Yeah, sticking leaves from your garden onto a shirt is surely a great idea."

They laughed at her sarcastic comment and he sat back in his chair defeated. "Your just jealous."

"Think what you want," Veronica says shaking her head.

"We have to have a serious meeting about what we're going to wear this year." Faith says to Elena, Veronica, and I, and they both nod their heads eagerly. 

I groan knowing that they'd come up with something over the top. I never really dressed up for Halloween, only when I was younger. 


Camryn POV: 

"Bye Mom," I said hoping to slip out without her asking too many questions.

"Not so fast." She says coming down the stairs towards me.

I groan knowing that she'd bombard me with a load of questions before letting me out of the house. "Yes?"

"Last time I checked you're suspended and don't have anywhere to be." She said folding her arms and fixing me with an accusing look. 

"I'm just going to see Jace and Bryan." Thankfully she doesn't see through my lie and lets me go with my curfew being midnight.

I shut the door and begin walking to my destination. 

It takes me a little while to navigate my way through the dense forest nearby before coming to a familiar path and following it. Soon, find myself at the place I vowed to never set foot across after being put into Juvie. 

The Vault.

The Vault was where all the planning happened. Kind of like a base, a place where we all hung out I guess but not really.

Stopping at the well-concealed door I lifted my hand to type in the code. 

"It's changed." I looked up and saw Alessandro coming towards me. 

"What?" I asked.

"The code, we changed it after what happened." He said coming towards me. 

"Oh." That was all I said as he came closer. 

He typed in the code but shielded it from me. "Just a precaution. We don't want anything..unwanted entering."

He looks me up and down and I scowled at him understanding his indirect meaning. If anything was unwanted it was certainly him.

The large door opened and we entered the building. From the outside, it looked small but when you went inside it was extremely spacious. There were two levels, one ground level and one underground. It used to be a warehouse but with some renovation, they were able to salvage the old place and turn it into something nicer.

"Seems like nothing has changed," I say. 

We were walking down the hall that was filled with other members who had widened eyes when they saw me. I would too if I were them. After what happened I made it clear that I was never coming back, yet here I am.

I lock eyes with Beck who lifts his arm to wave at me and I ignore him rolling my eyes. Soon Alessandro and I stop in front of another door that led to an office.

He sits down and nods his head towards the seat in front of him. I sit down and just to annoy him, I put my two feet up on the table, crossing them.



He folds his arm, leaning back in his chair fixing me with a hard stare. 

We stare at each other not moving. "Ok, Ok. I'm done. Chat your wass so I can leave."

I take my feet off the table sitting down with my elbows propped onto the table. 

Alessandro smiles in satisfaction before speaking. "We're having trouble with them and since they don't know you're back working with me it'll be easier for us to get what we need from them."

"Ok. First of all, I don't care. Second of all, I don't care. Third of all, I don't care and oh, did I mention. I. Don't. Care. Just get straight to the point and tell me what I have to do, so I can get out of here." I said.

Alessandro sighs lifting his tattooed arm and running his hand through his hair at my uncooperative demeanor. "You're really not going to make this easy are you?"

I pretend to think for a second put my finger on my chin. "Hmmm, no, not really."

"Well, then Gavins. I'll get straight to the point." 

"Which is what you should've done ages ago, but go on," I said with a sour smile. 


Hello bros. I'm sorry I'm posting late but I was shopping for school stuff. Ew, can you believe school is starting again. Like woah I thought we wouldn't be back for at least another decade but I guess not. School starts for me in less than two weeks and sis I'm still waiting for that quarantine glo up. Are you guys starting school soon? Anyways I hope you liked this chapter. Slater brooooooooos. 


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