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(( Averys outfit for school ^^))

I laughed at the joke that Camryn had made.

"So you're telling me. That... That she was so shocked by what you said that she... She walked into dog crap on the floor and... And slipped on it." I said in between laughs.

"I swear!" Camryn laughed as well.

Camryn is the only person that I could truly call my friend. He was always there to help me, to listen to me and to defend me.

We had great times together. No. We were JUST friends. But others in the school thought there was more to our relationship than there really was. We were together 24/7. We've  been friends since Year 6.

Since he was equally as scary as me no one dared to mess with us. But as always good things have to come to an end.

One day after school just as I was leaving the school to walk home I heard shouts from behind me calling my name.

I turned around to see Camryn but something seemed very off with him but I couldn't pin point what it was.

"Avery!" he called running after me. I came to a stop and faced him.

"Yes?" I say raised an eyebrow.

"Tonight do you wanna meet up?" He asked fidgeting around.

"Sure. You could've just texted me and what time? " I asked scrunching my nose at how weird he was acting.

"Maybe at around 7pm and I can't my phones broken." He said. While he talked to me I could see him looking around every so often.

"Ookayy. See you later" I turned and walked home.

It's been 2 hours I've been waiting for him at our usual spot. 2 fudging hours and he's not here yet.

I sigh angrily and stomp home not even caring if John was there or not.

The next day at school I was ready to give him a piece of my mind because he stood me up. Unfortunately I didn't see him that day.

Or the day after that.

Or the week after.

Soon those weeks turned into months and those months into years. Not even one text, a phone call or even coming and knocking at my house.
End of flashback

"Wake up!" a hand shook me awake and on reflex I socked the person in the jaw.

Sitting up I see Damon on the floor clutching where I hit him. I didn't even say sorry as I watched him stand up.

Honestly I'm not sorry I've been wanting to punch him for ages and now I finally have.

"What the hell!" He shouted at me and I flinched at how loud he was. Damon glared at me before leaving my room and I shrugged my shoulders not caring. Though that hit is bound to leave a bruise.

Getting out of bed I went to do my morning routine. It's not much just brushing my teeth, washing my face then putting on my clothes.

Since it was windy today I decided to wear something warm. Walking into my oversized walk in wardrobe that was filled with too many clothes that I was probably and most likely not gonna wear I chose an outfit. I wore brown camo pants with a grey jumper and a white shirt underneath. I then put on black and white vans, a necklace and a black hat.

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