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I woke up with an arm wrapped tightly around my waist and my legs were tangled with someone else's. I tried to think of what the hell happened when everything from yesterday flooded back to me. My head pounded and I groaned quietly, well, I thought it was quiet.

"Morning, I think" Carson said, rubbing his eyes.

"Sorry" I said, sitting up, I winced from a shooting pain in my stomach and fell right back down.

"Don't move, you're gonna hurt like hell today" He warned.

I sighed and did as he said. My leg was bandaged and it looked swollen. Carson stood up and grabbed the two plates from by the door. I'm not going to knock it but I can't help but wonder why the sudden increase in food?

"Here" He said, handing me the plate.

"Thanks" I muttered.

He sat down in front of me and we ate in silence for a while. There's really nothing to talk about, I mean we know most of the other person and when you're kidnapped there isn't really a whole lot you can do.

"How are you feeling?" He asked.

"Like hell" I replied dryly, it's sweet he cares but I'm not into the whole 'small talk' thing.

"I bet" He sighed.

I nodded awkwardly and the basement door slammed shut, just what I need right now. To my surprise a lap top slipped under the door, I would have never expected that. There was a note written on top of it.

Pick out clothes you want, its a reward for not escaping and an apology for hurting the wrong person

The note read. Why is he apologizing now? Why is he apologizing at all? What kind of kidnapper hurts someone so bad and then just apologizes?!

"That's weird" Carson said, as if he read my mind.

I nodded but took the lap top anyways. I've been in these clothes since I got here and they are horrifying now. I'm not talking style wise, I'm not like that, I'm talking the part of being beaten, bloody, and violated in them. I don't want those memories every day considering I'm trying to simply block it all out.

I picked out some clothes like instructed and I even slipped in a few for Carson since he helped me so much. I got a hoodie, shorts, shirts, a beanie (since I've always wanted one) and a couple bracelets. I got a razor too, considering the shorts. Even if there isn't a bathroom here, which there may be.

I slipped the lap top under the door and heard the basement door slam shut again soon after. I sighed and glanced over at Carson, he was sound asleep curled in a little ball. He looked adorable to say in the least. He looked so peaceful when he slept. Not the worried, guarded boy I've come to know.

I curled myself up with my headphones in and just tried to relax myself. My anxiety levels have been through the roof and music has been helping. Carson has helped too, I don't know what would've happened to me the other day if he weren't here. Id probably have bled out, so to him I owe my life. I never expected to get kidnapped, none the less find a friend while kidnapped. But I won't knock it because it's nice to not be as alone since I have seen Emily since the whole outside contact thing. Where is she anyways?

~*~ ~*~


So I left it off at a cliffhanger. 1.3k!? You guys are amazing and I love seeing all the comments and votes you leave me. It makes me smile so much that people think I'm insane 😂 oh well.

But seriously thank you guys so much for getting this book so popular, I've never expected to have this many reads so soon! The book will be longer and even if updates slow, since I'm working on a couple other books, they'll be there soon. Thanks for being patient with me 'cause writing this book is taking longer and if you have any future conflict ideas please comment. I'm running out of them. 😖

Thanks my penguins! 🐧❤️

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