Chapter Three - Edited

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It's been two days of the creepy "-M" texts and he's really starting to scare me. At least I haven't seen him again but I can't help but feel like he's never far away. How else would he be able to text such specific things? I haven't been able to tell anyone about him either because I can't put anyone in danger. Plus every time I think of telling someone, it's like he can read my mind and he sends a reminder threat text. He's just too good to get caught!

"Ariana!" Tyler shouted, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Huh?" I asked, shaking my head before looking at him.

"Okay seriously, what's up with you?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You've been way off for the past few days." He noted.

"Sorry. I've just haven't gotten much sleep." Not exactly a lie.

"Well then get to bed!" He grinned.

'If only I didn't feel like I was being watched 24/7 then maybe it wouldn't be so hard' I thought.

"Gee, I'm cured." I said.

"Good. So are you coming to my game?" He asked.

"Of course! Wouldn't miss it for the world!" I assured.

"Good, we need all the fans we can get." He exhaled deeply.

"You'll be great." I grinned.

He put on his best smile but his eyes gave away how nervous he truly was. It's the last game of the season and if they win then they go undefeated. If they lose, they give up the champion title. Considering he's the team captain, the pressure is really on him.

"Did you forget your phone or something?" He asked.

"What?" I asked.

"You've never once gone this long without being on your phone." He reminded.

"I forgot to charge it and I'm saving the battery for after school." I lied.

He nodded and I frowned at myself. I hate lying to him but I can't exactly say 'I'm scared to turn it on' without explaining why. We walked on to campus and Maria looked pissed.

"So you just don't answer your phone now huh?" She pointed her angry finger at me.

"It's off, why?" I asked.

"Well I was trying to inform you of something very important!" She groaned.

"Just tell me now." I said.

"Leave." She told Tyler.

"Rude." He glared.

"Sorry." I said for her.

"I'm not, now come here." She grabbed my arm and dragged my further away from people.

"Maria! What is so important?" I asked.

"Remember that girl Tyler liked?"

"Yeah? What about her?"

"She likes him too."


"I know right!"

"Wait- how do you know?"

"Well you know how she's in my chemistry class?"


"The other day she asked if he was seeing anyone and I said no and she smiled and asked what his type was."

"Oh my god! We have to make him ask her out!"

"Yes! Now that's where you come in."

"Me? Why me?"

"Well you're his best friend, he'll listen to you."

"Since when!?"

"Just do it! Come on he won't do it unless someone pushes him."

"Why do I have to be that person?"

"Because you've known him the longest."


"No buts."

"Yes buts."



"Do it!"



"That's not a reason!"

"Ariana Natalie Marks!"



"I hate you."

"No you don't."

She smirked in victory as we met back up with Tyler who was pouting, leaning against the wall. Once we finally bribed him to calm down the bell rang and we all went our separate ways.

"Emma!" I shouted.

"Hey Ariana." She smiled.

"Do we need textbooks?" I asked.

"Yeah." She nodded.

"Thanks." I smiled.

She nodded and I walked towards my locker, quickly spinning in my combo. When I opened the locker an envelope fluttered to the ground. I picked it up it was as if time froze around me. There was one thing printed on the envelope, a big M.

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