Twenty Five

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The phone slipped through my fingers and hit the ground with a thud.

"Ari? Ariana what's wrong?" Carson asked quickly as he jumped to his feet.

"Answer me!" He shouted.

My legs gave out and I felt his arms wrap around me, catching me before I hit the floor. If I didn't hit it, the how come I feel like it crushed me? Tyler's going to probably die, all because of me. Carson sat on the ground and once again I was in his lap with my head on his chest. Only I wasn't crying, or shaking, or talking. I was just broken. It's one thing to kidnap me and torture me, but to do it to my best friend, the only family I have left, all because of me? That's what broke me.

My parents are dead at the hands of him, my brothers dead at the hands of him, my freedom and innocence are dead at the hands of him, and now he wants to take my best friend too!? No! I will not lose him without a fight. He took Maria from me, if she was even with me, but no ones taking Tyler without hell to pass through. He'll kill me before I let him hurt Tyler.

"We need to go" I said finally.

"What?" He asked.

"Now!" I shouted as I stood up.

"What's happening?" He asked.

"Derrick wants me, he's not taking Tyler if he wants me" I said with my fists balling.

"Ariana! Do you not remember this man?! The man who almost killed you?" He reminded.

"Look, you're either with me or against me so pick a side" I snapped before walking away.

I made it a few steps before Carson grabbed my wrist, turned me around, pulled me back to him, and crashed our lips together.

"I'm with you, always" He said with our foreheads pressed together.

"I hoped you would be" I grinned before pecking his lips.

I turned back around and began to pack calmly. But on the inside I was freaking the fuck out! He kissed me! He actually kissed me! I'm going to puke.


"Ariana!" Eric shouted at the top of his lungs as the front door slammed shut.

"Room!" I shouted back as I zipped my bag shut.

"I have to- why are you packed?" He asked.

"Let me guess, Tyler's been kidnapped and Maria's gone?" I asked.

"How'd you know?" He asked.

"Derrick called and said 'say goodbye to Tyler' so I pretty much figured" I said as I picked up my bags.

"So that doesn't answer why you're packed?" He asked.

"I'm not losing him without a fight" I said.

"Well you can't go alone" He said.

"She's not" Carson said, putting his arm around my waist.

"I'm coming too then" Eric said.

I was going to protest. I don't want him getting hurt too, but Carson cut me off from answering.

"Then get packed quick" Carson said.

"Give me five" Eric said before rushing out of the room.

I sighed and sat on my bed, Carson said next to me and just intertwined our fingers as his way of making me feel better.

"We need all the help we can get" He said, breaking the silence.

"But I don't want anyone else being jeopardized just to help me get Tyler back" I said, looking at my feet.

"Tyler saved all of us, the least we can do is try an save him now" He said reassuringly.

"Thanks" I breathed out as I let myself relax.

Everything will be fine. The more help we have the more of a chance we have at getting Tyler back quickly. Maybe we should tell the others? No, who knows who else Derrick has on his side. But Tyler and Adam were close, he couldn't be.

"Where you going?" Carson asked as I stood up and set my things down.

"To get help" I said.

He nodded and I let the room, heading towards Adam's. He's a strong guy, he could help us a lot.


"You know what your heading into right? This is probably all set up so you come running towards him for Tyler" Adam said, fully examining my plan.

"I know, but for Tyler that's a risk I'm willing to take" I nodded.

"Well if after everything he did to you, you're ready to run back there full force to save Tyler, then so am I" He nodded.

"Thank you!" I cheered as I hugged him tight.

"Of course, when are we leaving?" He asked as he set me back down.

"Now" I said.

"I'll meet you in your room" He said.

I nodded again and smiled before leaving the room and going to mine. I thought about telling Steve and Riley but Steve has done enough for us, plus I don't trust him. And Riley was really close to Maria so she probably wouldn't believe what she did. We don't need Riley going to their side too so it's better to keep her off the playing field all together.

"Ready?" Adam asked as he joined my room.

"Let's get Tyler back" I nodded, standing to my feet.

🍀|•| a/n |•|🍀

Okay well this chapter was kinda lame, just planning, but 21.1k!? You guys are amazing!!! Happy Saint Patty's Day, anything fun planned for ya?

I'll try to work on a new update tomorrow but it will probably be posted late tomorrow night or some time Thursday. Love you all so much! Penguin army is amazing! 😍😘🐧💜

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