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"Girls to one side, boys to the other!" The man shouted as he came back into the room.

Carson managed to calm me down even though my hands were still shaking.

"I'll meet up with you soon okay?" Carson whispered.

I nodded and he side hugged me before we went to opposite sides of the room. My arms wrapped across my stomach and I tried to cover up.

"Girls, now" Someone shouted from the next room.

"You heard 'em" The guy said, shoving us into the room.

"Put your stuff down by the door" Another man said.

The door we just came through shut and I looked around at the large room. There was a small stage against a blank wall with lights lighting it all up. Facing the stage was about five chairs with people sitting in them. The lighting around them was set up so we could see their outline but not their features.

"Stage, now" A voice boomed.

We all rushed to the stage, there was eight of us. We stood shoulder to shoulder and some girls flaunted while others hid. I hid of course. We were handed numbers and told to hold them up. I got number seven. Numbers were called out from the five people and those girls were pulled off the stage and brought into another room.

"Seven" A deep male voice said.

I couldn't recognize the voice but I was pulled off the stage before I could give it much thought. I grabbed my things before I was thrown into a lit room with a red head. She cowered in the corner with her knees pulled to her chest. The door slammed shut and I jumped once again. Why do doors always have to slam?

"At least I'm not alone this time" She said softly.

I didn't say anything, what could I say? I simple sat next to her and we just sat there. It was silent but a comfortable silence. After a few minutes another person walked in and it was a blonde guy. So if they're doing guys now that means Carson could be either with me or with someone else. My hands began to shake even more and the boy sat down against the same wall as us but with a distance between him and the red haired girl.

"Are you okay?" The red haired girl asked.

"Nerves" I squeaked out.

Squeaked?! Really Ariana! You can't even manage to talk right now?! He's just a guy you met when you were KIDNAPPED!

Before I could say another word the door opened and Carson walked through, with shaky hands at his sides. Without thinking I shot to my feet and ran to him.

"Carson!" I cried out as I jumped into his open arms.

"Oh thank god, I thought I'd never see you again" He said, picking me up since he was taller than me.

"Will you two stop" The guy said, with his voice cracking.

"Sorry" I mumbled.

Carson set me down but his hand never left mine. Both of us were shaking as we sat down and just waited for who knows what. After about ten minutes, I think, a women walked in with a clip board.

"Ariana?" She asked.

I raised my hand slightly and she checked something off.

"Riley?" She asked.

The red hair girl copied what I did. Once again the lady checked something off and continued down the list.

"Carson?" She called.

"Eric?" She called finally.

They both did the same as us and she had the same reaction. After she called Eric's name she hooked the pen to the top of the clip board and let it hang by her leg.

"Right this way please" She said, motioning towards the door.

We stood up and collected our things before following her out of the small room and into the bright sunlight. My eyes didn't have time to adjust and I was practically walking blind. I didn't even realize my hand was still in Carson's until he squeezed it. I know it sounds corny but just knowing he's there, by my side, relaxes me a little.

"This car will take you to the airport where you will be on a flight to your new home" She instructed.

This didn't even sound like a kidnapping anymore. I'm not sure what this is but I don't think they'll tell us either. We got in the car with Eric and Riley in the middle row, Carson and I in the back row. My bags were on my lap and my fingers were still intwined with Carson's. If he weren't here right now I'd probably be shaking out of control. The car door slammed shut and jumped into his side.

"Shhh, it's okay" He soothed as the driver started the engine.

"Thanks" I mumbled as I regained myself.

He untangled our fingers and wrapped his arm around my waist before intwining my right hand. My skin burned from his touch but I didn't even think about moving. I felt my stomach erupt into butterflies which only made goosebumps appear on my arm.

What the hell is wrong with me?

I asked myself, confused. This has never happened before but I've read about it in books. But it can't be, I shouldn't, it won't. I cannot do this right now, it's not the time. As much as I tried to ignore my body, my conscious kept repeating one thing.

Too bad, you're in love with Carson

~•~ ~•~


Okay so if this is the first book you're reading by me then I'll inform you of something. I always add a love story somewhere in every book :p livin that hopeless romantic life tho ✌️

Anyways I hope you like the book so far, I'm already at almost 2.6k what!? I love you guys so much! I've never had a book get this big this fast. I LOVE YOU MY PENGUINS!!!!!!! 🐧❤️

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