Chapter Two - Edited

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"Hey little one" Tyler smirked as he leaned against the locker next to mine.

"Ew, what do you want?" I joked, putting my books in my locker.

"To go home, but you take forever" He rolled his eyes as he pulled his headphones out of his pocket.

"Would you like to carry my textbooks?" I asked.

No response.

"That's what I thought" I closed my locker.

"Shut up" He glared as he plugged his headphones into his phone, handing me an ear bud.

"Have you heard this yet?" He asked, showing me an album I hadn't seen before, I shook my head.

"What?" He gasped.

"Just shut up and play it" I rolled my eyes once again.

He pressed a song and pure god-like guitar playing flowed through the headphones. I smiled as I nodded my head to the beat, pushing open the school doors that led us into freedom.

I felt my phone vibrate and that feeling of freedom quickly drained away, replaced by a quickened heart rate. Every fiber of my being screamed 'don't look' but curiosity quickly got the best of me and I pulled out my phone.

Unknown: Gorgeous and amazing music taste? Anything you're not? –M

I bit my lip in fear and deleted the thread of messages again. No way will I show these to anyone; maybe if I ignore him they'll stop? As if they could read my mind, my phone vibrated in my hand.

Unknown: Ignoring me won't work babe  -M

I sighed in defeat and just deleted the messages again, this time turning off the vibrating notification before putting my phone in my bag.

"Aria?" Tyler asked.

"Huh?" I asked.

"You alright?" He looked worried.

"Yeah just tired, I think I'm just going to head home instead of going to your house" I said, not exactly lying.

"You sure?" He asked.

I nodded.

"I'll walk you home" He smiled.

It didn't take long for us to be at the end of my driveway.

"Get some sleep" He instructed as he pulled me into a hug.

"Will do, thanks for walking me home" I said, hugging him.

"Of course, text me later?" He asked.

"Sure" I nodded.

He kissed the top of my head before walking away. I quickly got into my house and locked the door behind me. Nervously, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and lit up the screen, no new texts. I felt my entire body relax as I made my way up to my room, pulling up James' contact.

Ariana: I decided to just come home and sleep instead of going to Ty's

I dropped my bag on my bed and plugged my phone in, playing some acoustic music as I grabbed a pair of black leggings and an over sized maroon t-shirt. I changed into them and pulled my curtains back before checking my phone again.

James: Alright, sleep tight, I'll bring home dinner in a few, mom had to run out to a meeting

Ariana: Pizza would be great right now

James: Then pizza you shall have

Ariana: LOVE YOU

James: I know 

I just laughed and plopped myself into my desk chair, opening my lap top as I turned to face my desk. As I waited for my lap top to fire up I pulled my notebook out of bag. Maybe today will get better?

Buzz buzz.

Maybe not?

Unknown: Is that poster signed!? –M

I froze, practically dropping my phone as I glanced at the wall above my lap top. My friend was able to meet one of my favorite bands a couple weeks ago and he sent me a signed poster he got, I hung it up yesterday, no one knows I have it yet except him. I slowly turned around to look at my window only to be met with the eyes of a person dressed in all black standing in the middle of my backyard. Our yard is fenced in and surrounded by trees.

I shot out of my chair and sprinted towards my window yanking the curtains closed. Then I heard the crunching of leaves which made me run out of my room, down the stairs, and into the kitchen. I grabbed a knife; if he wants to creep then he can do it with a knife in his chest.

I glanced out the kitchen windows and saw nothing, after scoping the first floor I went back up to the second and into my room. My heart was racing at a million miles per minute as I walked toward my window. But when I opened it he was nowhere to be seen. I heard the front door shut and the hairs on the back of my neck shot up. I know I locked that door.

No way in hell am I being kidnapped! Not by anyone, and certainly not by some cowardly stalker who can't even show his face. I walked back down the stairs and silently crept towards the front door. I swung around the corner just as someone was coming my way, I swung the knife for their heart.

"Shit!" James cursed as he grabbed my wrists, turning my right one so I dropped the knife.

"James?" I asked in disbelief.

"What in the actual hell are you doing with a knife? You could've hurt someone!" He shouted.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else" I said, he let go of my wrists.

"Who would you be trying to stab who is able to get in the house?" He asked, snatching the knife off the floor.

"I wa-"

My phone buzzed in my hand.

Unknown: Tell him and he's dead –M

All the blood in my face was drained, I quickly locked my phone.

"Hello?" James asked, waving his hand in front of my face.

"No one, I just get nervous when I'm home alone sometimes" I lied.

"Why didn't you tell me that? I would make sure I was home if I knew that" He said.

"I'm sorry, I just didn't want to trouble you" I sighed.

"You're never a trouble, now lets get some food in you okay?" He brushed the hair out of my face.

I nodded and he grabbed the pizzas off the front table and carried them into the kitchen. As I followed my phone vibrated again.

Unknown: Good girl –M

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