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So, surprisingly Derrick kept to his word and gave us our "rewards" as he called them. Everyone else just called them for what they actually were, a bribe to get us to not try an break out. But what he doesn't know, and doesn't need to know, is that the fear of him doing worse to us is what keeps us from escaping. If this is his good side, no one wants to see his bad side.

"Ariana" Emily's voice cooed from the other side of my door.

I opened it, her eyes went wide and her jaw hit the floor.

"Oh my god! What did he do to you?" She cried, reaching for my face.

"I'm fine" I said, moving away from her now out stretched hand.

"Ariana, let me inform you of something you need to know when you're here. If you don't have someone by your side, you'll never have hope of leaving this place" She said.

"We'll never leave this place, look at those who tried" I said, with my eyes glued to the floor.

"Ari, you have to keep faith, it's the only thing that'll keep you going in this hell" She said.

"How do you keep hope?" I asked.

"I think of my family" She said.

"He killed my family" I snapped.

"Sorry" I said, realizing my tone.

"It's okay, I'm the one who should be sorry, you'll find your hope soon enough I promise" She said.

"Thanks Em" I said.

"I'll see you later, heal quick" She said, gesturing towards my eye.

"I'll try" I said.

She left the room and I pulled my iPod off the charger. My music has kept me sane for however long it's been. Considering the lack of windows I have no way of telling.

"Congrats, you got a roommate" Derrick said, shoving someone into the room before slamming the door shut.

I looked up to see a guy with long brown hair, bruised cheek, and bruised arms. His gaze met mine and we both scurried off into separate corners of the room. At least someone understands how I feel for once.


"You chose an iPod?" The boy said, breaking the silence.

I didn't say a word, I chose to simply nod instead.

"Look, I know we're both hurt severely but we're all we have right now, I think we should at least try to be friends" He said.

"I've got nothing left, no more hope, you don't want to be my friend" I sighed, warning him.

"I'm sure you've got someone" He said.

"Only my best friend, but for all I know he probably thinks I'm dead" I said.

"I'm staying alive for my sister" He said, with sadness in his eyes.

"Lucky" I mumbled.

"What about your family? How could you not care about your family? They've raised you and they obviously care about you so how can you say you only have your best friend?" He ranted, tears welled up in my eyes.

"My parents gave up my sister and I, I would kill to have a family and you're saying you don't even have them to keep hope for? That's fucked up" He said, glaring at me.

"Are you done thinking you know me ass hole?" I shouted as a tear rolled down my cheek.

"I'm the ass hole?" He said, pointing to his chest.

"Yes, my family is dead. Hear that? Dead. At the hands of fucking Derrick! So if anyone should be ranting it's me. I've lost my mom, dad, and brother at the hands of my kidnapper. So it would be fucking amazing if you'd stop thinking you know my life story and actually try to get to know me first" I shouted.

He was in shock. I scoffed, rolled my eyes, and put my headphones in. I blasted some Veridia and just tried to clear my mind, a task that was completely impossible. I curled up in a ball in the corner of the room and just sobbed. Everything I've tried to block out flooded back like a tidal wave. What did I ever do to deserve this hell?

~*~ ~*~ ~*~


OMF 1k reads!? I never thought I'd reach that much in such a short time!!!!

I added the roommate part in honor of 1k so I hope you liked it. If you were wondering, Aria has the big iPod classic so no she can't communicate. Next chapter hopefully coming soon and I'll try to get longer ones next time.

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