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~*~ Ariana's POV ~*~

"Are you sure you want to go to school? You don't have to" My mom said as I slipped my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'm sure, I need to get out of this house" I said nodding.

"Do you want me to pick you up from school?" She asked.

"No I'm just gonna take the bus with Tyler" I said.

"Okay just text me if you want me to pick you up" She said.

"I will, bye mom" I said kissing her on the cheek before leaving.

Tyler and I always take the bus when it starts to cool off because it gets way to cold to walk. I missed the rest of last week because of my fathers passing but I need to get out of this place. The memories are killing me. The funeral is on Saturday and it's only Tuesday, this week will be hell.

I got to the bus stop and it came soon after. Tyler's stop is right after mine so I only have to be alone for a short time. I got people staring, pointing, whispering at me as I walked past to the back of the bus. I simply sat down and put my headphones in. No way do I want to listen to this shit today. My phone vibrated in my hand and I unlocked it to see something I was hoping would be done with.

One down, three to go ;)


What the fuck does he mean "one down, three to go"!? Is he the reason my fathers dead? I swear to god I'll kill him if he is. I put my phone in my pocket and tried to just forget about M and all the hell that is my life. Tyler got on the bus next and he smiled when he saw me.

"Hey Ari, how are you?" He asked hugging me as he sat down.

"I'm fine" I lied not wanting him to worry.

"That's good, you comin' to my house after school?" He asked.

"No I just wanna be with my mom during this time" I said shaking my head.

"I understand" He said nodding.

I smiled and he filled me in on what I missed while I was out. I tried to listen, I really did, but my mind continued to wander elsewhere.


"How was your day?" Tyler asked as we sat down on the bus.

"Boring, yours?" I asked.

"I'm at school so obviously it was boring" He joked.

"Very true" I smiled back.

He chuckled and we just kept the conversation light like we have been all day. When we got to my stop I got off after hugging Tyler. I just blasted my music so I couldn't hear anything but Tyler and Pierce The Veil. I got to my house and pulled the headphones out of my ears.

"Mom, I'm home" I said locking the door behind me.

I heard glass crunching and crashing from the back of the house, my mom's room is in the back of the house. I dropped my bag and ran towards the sounds. My moms door was closed but that didn't make me feel any better. I slammed open the door and sure enough, her french doors were shattered.

"Mom!" I shouted turning to see her on the floor bleeding out.

I slammed to my knees and looked for a pulse. I luckily found one but it was slow.

"Mom don't worry, you'll be okay" I said pulling out my phone.

I dialed 911 and told them what happened.

"Someone is being dispatched immediately, try to slow the bleeding" The man instructed.

I tried to do as he said with the bed covering but she was bleeding too much. I knew she was about to die. I just spent her last seconds holding her hand and talking to her. Her pulse stopped at 3:06pm. I stood up and out of anger I slammed my fist into the wall which only hurt my hand. I paced around the room trying to think of who would do this when I found a piece of paper on her dresser. I opened it.

Two down, one to go, you'll be mine soon babe and no one will get between us <3




Now ya know who killed her parents, or do you??

Holy crap I cannot believe how much of a success this book is becoming!! I love you all so much and I can't thank you enough for reading my book. I have school tomorrow so I'll be busy again. I will try to update ASAP but with school it can get really hard.

Next chapter posted as soon as it's finished.


Who do you think M is??

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