Twenty Eight

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| Ariana |

I curled my legs to my chest and just fetal positioned myself. Derrick has ruined my life more than enough times and he doesn't even plan on stopping any time soon. Carson probably either thinks I'm dead or abandoned him. I haven't seen Tyler anywhere, and Adam is probably as confused as Carson. There are other prisoners in this little room but we are all in different cells. Yes, cells, like behind bars cells you'd see in a jail. They're small enough for just one person but there's at least twenty of them in this room.

The girl next to me is cut and bruised and trying to slice down her vein to end it all. The boy on the other side of her is trying to make an escape plan. The one next to me is empty but blood stains are on the wall. That scared me more than the two filled ones combined. The door swung open and a stream of light blinded us all. Some screamed and another's scurried off into a corner.

A large person walked into the room with a limp person over their shoulder. As they got closer I recognized the tall person to be Eric and the limp one to be Tyler. I kept quiet and in my ball as Eric threw Tyler into the cell next to mine, locked the door, and left the room without so much as a single word.

"Tyler" I said as I scrambled out of my fetal position, to the shared cell side.

No answer, and he wasn't moving either. Don't panic Ariana, he's probably just sleeping something off.

"Tyler wake up" I said a little louder this time.

Still no answer, he was too far for me to reach but I could somewhat see him. I focused on his chest and noticed is was, in fact, rising and falling. At least he was breathing. I laid back down next to the wall and just tried to fall asleep. But with my luck, I did no such thing. I haven't slept without Carson next to my side in months and now I'm so used to his arm being around me that I can't sleep without it. What's wrong with me? He's just some boy I met while I was kidnapped. Yes he saved my life a few times but does that mean I should fall for him? What if he was in on this whole thing?

| Eric |

"You idiot!" Derrick shouted as he hit the back of my head.

"Why can't you keep your damn mouth shut!?" Derrick boomed at me.

"It slipped! I'm sorry!" I defended myself.

"We can't afford a slip up! Do you know how many people could be killed?!" He shouted.

"Since when do you care about people being killed?" Maria scoffed.

"Do I need to pull your funds?" He asked, turning his attention to her.

"No, no, no, no, sorry" She said getting wide eyed.

"Exactly" He said, coming back to face me.

"And you, one more slip up and you can join them got it?" He said sternly.

"Yes sir" I nodded, not wanting to fight anymore.

Derrick left the room and Maria just glared at me.

"What?" I shouted at her, tired of the death glares.

"Idiot, you're lucky he didn't go worse on you" She said.

"Screw off" I said, rolling my eyes as I walked out of the room.

Maria thinks she's so much better than me just because she was the first one to make a move for Derrick, but I'll get her back for what she did. And she thinks no one knows how she got this far.

| Adam |

"Just calm down, I'm sure she's fine" I said as Carson continued to pave the room for the second day now.

"You don't know that! I promised her!" He shouted through a shaky voice.

He's been going insane since Ariana and Eric disappeared. We don't know what happened but Carson's mind goes to the worst.

"Let's just grab something to eat and then try an think of where they could be" I said, trying to calm him down.

"What if it was Derrick?" He said, stopping dead in his tracks.

"How could it be? He's got his hands full with Tyler" I said, shaking my head.

"But what if Maria wasn't the only one working for him? I mean Eric was the last person to see her" He said, just thinking aloud.

"Just take it easy, lets get some food, and then think up a plan to get them all back before anything too bad happens" I said as I stood to my feet.

He took a deep breath before nodding and cracking a slight smile.

"Yeah you're right, I just need to calm down, I'm sure everything's fine" He said as he grabbed his bag from the floor and tossed it on to the bed.

Since Ariana and Eric went missing we decided to get a hotel room in town and just try to figure out what the hell happened. Part of me thinks it was Derrick, but the other part fears it was someone much worse. All I know is that we need to find them as soon as possible. The sooner the better.

| a/n |

Okay yeah so lame chapter, sorry! But the next ones will be better. Trying to create some problems so there is plenty of action for the upcoming scenes. Do you like the different pov's (Point Of View) or is it confusing?

36k + reads!! The penguin army is too amazing for words and I love reading your comments. Sorry if I don't respond to them but if you want a 100% response then private message me and I'll try to respond quickly. I love reading your guys' books because they're amazing. Everyone read 13ands book, "The Fact That I Love You" because it's amazing!!

Link to book ^
Next chapter coming soon and thanks for all the birthday wishes to my brother and good lucks for my tests!

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