Twenty Two

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"Derrick has located us" Tyler said.

"What?! How?!" I shouted at the top of my lungs as I felt my heart beat begin to race.

"Ari calm down" Tyler said soothingly.

"No! The man who killed my family and kidnapped me has located us and you want me to be calm?!" I shouted, pushing him away as he stepped towards me.

"Ariana we need to get back inside and pack" Steve said.

"Get away from me!" I shouted at them all.

They looked shocked and I felt my eyes fill with tears. No, not in front of them! I turned on my heels and took off back into the woods. I need to get away from them and just soak in everything they told me. I heard my name shouted a few time but I didn't turn back. I kept running and running until I found a small pond. I leaned against a nearby tree and slid my back down it until my knee's met my chest.

"Why me? Why does this have to happen?" I asked no one in particular.

Of course no one answered but I heard footsteps coming this way. It's probably just Tyler coming to bring me inside.

"I'm staying here for a while and there's nothing you can do to change that" I said as my face was burried in my knee's.

"I know, I just didn't think you should be alone right now" Carson's voice said.

"Carson, sorry I thought you were Tyler" I said, shooting my eyes to meet his.

"It's okay, so how are you doing?" He asked.

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't get the words out, tears streamed down my cheek instead. He sat down next to me and put his arm around my waist, pulling me into his side.

"It's okay, I'm here and I won't leave you ever" He said, brushing my hair with his fingers, trying to calm me down.

I wanted to say something, anything, but my emotions got the best of me. I couldn't even manage to see Carson, my tears blurred my vision too much. He didn't mind though, he just held me tighter and tried to calm me down in any way possible.

"Hey" He said.

"Yeah?" I asked, sniffling.

"Everything will be alright, we have an ahead of warning so we can get the hell out of here before he comes" He said, leave it to Carson to point out the bright side.

"How do you stay so hopeful?" I asked.

"I do it for the ones I hold closest" He said, moving to he was in front of me.

"Still" I sighed.

Without so much as a warning he leaned in a pecked my lips softly. I felt my cheeks heat up and he laughed.

"One of us has to stay cheery" He shrugged.

I smiled and he grabbed my hand with both of his as he stood up.

"Come on, lets get back to the house and pack" He said, pulling me to my feet.

I nodded and his fingers intertwined with mine as he led the way to the house. Considering I was running with tears blurring my eyes I didn't exactly look where I was going. It's a good thing he followed me or I may not have been able to find my way back.

"I got her" Carson said as we walked into the house.

"Good, you okay now?" Tyler asked, walking towards me.

"Just peachy" I shrugged.

"It'll be okay" Tyler said pulling me away from Carson and into his bear hug.

I hugged him back and he let go once Steve and Adam called his name in sync. He walked away, Carson and I walked to our stuff and packed it all up before sitting on the floor leaning our backs against the couch. Adam, Steve, and Tyler all ran around to collect what they needed while Eric sat down next to me with Riley on his other side.

"Guessing they told you?" Eric whispered.

"Yeah" I nodded as I bit my lip.

"How'd you take it?" He asked.

"Ran and broke down, you?" I asked.

"See that dent in the wall?" He asked, pointing to the wall by the kitchen door where it was dented greatly.

"Wow, remind me not to piss you off" I chuckled.

"I wouldn't hurt you, you're the only one who actually understands me" He said, putting his arm around my shoulders.

I felt Carson's fingers intertwine with mine and I glanced at him to see daggers being shot at Eric. I laughed and playfully poked his side with my other hand and he jerked away from my hand. I laughed once again at the realization that he's ticklish and he just rolled his eyes. Derrick may have located us but I have the people around me to get away and survive with, this time I won't be taken as easily as last time. Nothing will ever be the same but I wouldn't want to be in this hell with anyone else but them.

~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~ ~+~


New chapter!!! I've really been into this book lately, and yes it's gonna be pretty lengthy. Not sure how many chapters yet but at least like 30. Thanks for all the messages and the 10k+ reads!!!! My goal is 20k by the end of the school year, think we can do it? I have faith in my penguin army!!! Next update soon.

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