Chapter 25// Locked In A Cell

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Max's POV

"How did we get here?" you may ask. The answer is straightforward. Two lovers got together, and the woman gave birth to a son while the man had a son of his own. Both boys were 17, and the couple promised to always watch over and support each other from that day on.

However, they failed to keep that vow. As of now, both boys find themselves in a cell, with no parents to protect or guide them. It all began 24 hours ago...

January 2023–24 hours

"Max are you sure we won't get caught? I don't know about you, but I care about what goes on my record." Brent responds with a smug look.

Ugh, what a pest! We didn't even make it down the street and he's already lecturing me. I try to get away from my dad, but Brent reminds me of him so much!

"Brent, please. Have some faith in your brother."

He snorts, "faith? You want me to have faith in you? Every time we're together, you always get us in trouble."

"I can feel the love radiating off of you." I scoff.

"Whatever. I hope you know that if I get into trouble, I'm taking you down with me."

"Believe me, Brent, I already know that."

He laughs in glee at my remark.

Time to change the subject, "I'm really happy you came out Brent. You were starting to smell."

He looked at me annoyed, "I was not starting to smell. I was just blissfully withering away. Plus, it's nice being out of the house. And don't get sappy Max, it doesn't suit you" he replies.

He sure has a way with words.

"Do you think Peter and my mom will freak out knowing that we are going to a party when we are suppose to stay at home?"

I laugh out loud. He hasn't met my dad, "he'll freak out, but I think he'll go easy on my ass if he knows that's the host is Andrew. As for your mom, I'm speechless."

Brent smiles, a genuine smile however, that smile was soon replaced with an uneasy feature, "Max, I don't get a good feeling from this."

I scoff, "Don't be a party pooper, Brent. You got to live a little. Have some fun, take a few shots, kiss a girl, and play drunk games. Have fun!"

"I think you are forgetting that you and I have girlfriends right? Tell me you didn't forget" He questions.

"Of course, I didn't forget!" I'm offended, really offended.

Brent looked unfazed, "whatever. Just lead me to this party."

I mentally relaxed, "this is why you're my favourite brother Brent."

I go jumping into the night, excited for what this party has in store for the Matthew boys.

"Can you slow down, please? Let's now draw attention to ourselves." Brent pleads from behind me, nervous when seeing the bodies of our classmates in sight.

"Brent, if everyone was as quiet and as cautious as you, the world would be boring. Follow wouldn't want to be lost in a party full of seniors, would you little brother?" I look behind me and smirk as the colour from Brent's face drains and instead of his rosy complexion displaying on his cheeks, nose, ears and forehead, all his completions were whiter than a ghost on Halloween night.

Tightening the grip on his sweater, Brent mumbles, "I'll follow."

I gestured my arms toward Andrew's house. The house was covered in balloons and toilet baby, kids hanging from the roof and window. In the front yard, there are teenagers making out, playing 'party' games, some are even dancing to the music that is blasting through the house. In this When entering Austin's house, sweaty, drunken teens coiled tightly together jump to the base of the music on the dance floor. At the bar, Austin, the party's host, slams a shot glass down surrounded by a group horny teen girls. Each one asked for his number. Walking up to the bar, with Brent in tow, I take Austin's line of vision which warrants him to pull out of the conversations.

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