Chaptr 6// All For A Girl

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"Ok, seems fair, but your still grounded." He said getting ready to leave my room.

"How long?" I asked with a whine.

"Only a week..."

"Really." I asked excited.

"...on top of your one month grounding."

He left my room.

"Great." I said and laid back down.

Don't you just love life?

Brenda's POV

When I finished talking with Max, I headed downstairs to make dinner...tonight I'm making a grilled chicken salad...I went into the kitchen to start making the salad. Minutes later, Peter comes down.

"How'd it go with Max?" He asked me.

"Good. How'd it go with Brent?" I asked back.

"Good. To be honest, I aspected that it will go way worse." He stated sounding shocked.

"Same. I thought they would argue with us, but I guess we were wrong." I admitted.

"I know right. So I'm gonna watch the game, call me when dinners ready love." He said and walked out.

"Will do hun!" I yelled after him.

~skip to dinner~

"Peter!" I yelled.

"Yea!" He yelled back.

"Call the boys!" I yell to him.

"Brent! Max! Dinner's ready!" He yelled at them.

"I could've done that." I said to him with a disapproved voice.

Max's POV

I'm in my room for which felt like hours, but really it was like 10 minutes.

"Brent! Max! Dinner's ready!" I hear my dad yell.

I got up and walked out of my room. Brent and I lock eyes, but instead of arguing, we continue walking...there's no point in arguing...We go downstairs and we both take a seat in front of each other.

"So boys, what were you two up to in your rooms?" Brenda asked us, trying to start conversation at the table.

"I just laid down and stared at the ceiling." I replied back, with a little bit of a tone.

"Max." My dad said calmly.

"What about you Brent?" She asked him.

"Um, I just read my book." He replied, sounding unsure.

"Ok." She said. Not bothering to question him.

On the other, I do question him. Why does his sound so suspicious. I look at him to study his thought, but he keeps checking his watch. What is wrong with him.

(Still Max's POV)

We all finished eating dinner and we all cleaned up the the table. I go to the living room and sit beside Brent.

"Hey Brent, what's wrong?" I immediately asked.

"Why you ask?"


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