Chapter 7// Fighting Is The Cure?

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**fixed Authors note at the end (please read)

Max's POV

I can't believe Dylan would do that to my brother. No one messes with my family. Tomorrow, he's a dead man.

No one messes with my family

Max's POV

I'm walking to school with Brent today because I don't want Dylan to pick on him. I may beat him up and pick on him sometimes, but personally I love him has a brother.

After what felt like an hour walk, we reached our destination, "I'll meet you outside your classroom after detention. I'll make sure Dylan doesn't bother you."

"Okay thanks, but you don't have to do that. Plus, detention shouldn't be long." He said trailing off.

"That's what you said last time and I ended up waiting outside for you for an hour. Brent, trust me I'll handle it." I stated.

"Fine." He signed, "I got to go. I'll see you later." He said and walked off.

"Okay bye." I said heading off to my friends.

I'm meeting up with my friends at my locker. I turn the corner and see them leaning up against the lockers.

"Hey guys." I said bro hugging them.

"Why were you talking to that nerd?" Ethan asks.

Ethan is one of my friends. Honestly, I don't really like Ethan. He's such a show off.

He better not be talking about my brother.

"You mean my step-brother." I said in an obvious tone

"Oh, he's your step-brother." Ethan said in that annoyed tone.

"Yea, you gotta a problem with that." I said stepping closer to him.

"Yea actually I do. I don't want to be friends with a guy that hangs around nerds." Ethan said while pushing me at the end of that sentence.

I lost it. I attacked him. Punches were thrown and blood was flying. Next thing I know the principal comes and throws us off of each other.

"You two my office NOW!" He yells at us and pushes us in that direction.

When we didn't move, he grabs our arms firmly and drags us to his office. He forces us to sit down in the chairs while he tells the secretary to call our guardians.

"Now, tell me what happened?" He asks us calmly as he shuts the door to his office.

That's never good.

"He made fun of my brother." I complained sounding like a kid.

"I thought you said he was your step-brother." Ethan stated mocking me from before.

"Same thing." I said not wanting to deal with him, "You're so dumb." I said trying to act tough.

"And you're stupid." Ethan said replying back.

"Great comeback genius." I said making an "okay" sign with my hand.

"I'll show you a great comeback." He said getting ready to come fight me.

"Enough! Both of you" Mr. Stone yelled, "I don't want to hear a peep out of you until your guardians come and get you." He said.

Ethan then kicked me "by accident". I had to response to that, so I kicked him back. That started a foot war.

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