Chapter 26// Temptations

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*warning; talks of addition*
stand alone chapter

Nobodies POV

Brent sat in the dimly lit corner of his room, nursing the whiskey that he kept hidden in his room, as memories of his late father flooded his mind. The amber liquid swirled in his glass, mirroring the swirl of emotions within him. With each sip, the warmth of his drink seemed to wrap around him like a comforting embrace, momentarily easing the ache that never truly left his heart. The faint scent of oak and vanilla lingered in the air, a reminder of his dad's favorite bourbon, the one they used to share on quiet evenings by the fireplace. The clinking of glasses and murmurs of conversation melted into the background as Brent's thoughts carried him back to moments spent with his father — the laughter, the wisdom, the unspoken bond they shared. The burn of the alcohol seemed to dissolve the sharp edges of grief, offering solace in a way that nothing else could. As he raised the glass to his lips once more, he could almost hear his father's voice, soft and reassuring, reminding him that life was meant to be lived, even in the face of loss. And in that small moment, as the whiskey flowed through his veins, Brent found a fleeting connection to his father, a bittersweet reminder that some pains could be numbed, if only temporarily, by the simple act of raising a glass in his memory.

Brent had always been the responsible type. At sixteen, he was known among his friends as the guy who never touched a drop of alcohol. It wasn't that he was against it; he just preferred to keep a clear head. But everything changed one fateful Friday night.

Brent had been invited to a house party by Max's close friend, Andrew. It was supposed to be a small gathering, just a few friends hanging out and having a good time. Brent was excited to spend time with people his age, even though he'll never admit to Max, but he was determined not to give in to peer pressure.

As the night progressed, the music got louder, and the crowd grew larger. People were laughing, dancing, and having a blast. Brent was content sipping his soda and watching the festivities unfold. However, as the evening wore on, the atmosphere started to change. Some of Max's friends had already had a few drinks, and they were encouraging Brent to join in.

At first, Brent politely declined, but the pressure from his friends increased. Andrew, who had been on his side throughout the night, was now urging him to try just one drink. "Come on, Brent, it won't hurt," he said with a mischievous smile, eyes glossy from the alcohol.

Feeling the weight of the moment, Brent finally gave in. He thought, "What's the harm in trying one drink?" He accepted a small glass of what looked like a harmless fruity cocktail. He took a cautious sip, and the sweet, tangy flavor filled his mouth.

As the night continued, Brent found himself having a good time. The alcohol had dulled his inhibitions and made him feel more carefree than ever before. He laughed with his friends, danced without reservations, and even struck up conversations with people he'd never met. For a moment, it felt like he had discovered a new, exciting side of life.

But as the hours passed, Brent's perception began to shift. His laughter became louder, his movements clumsier, and his judgment impaired. He realized that he was no longer in control of himself. Panic began to creep in as he remembered why he had always avoided alcohol in the first place.

As the night wore on, Brent's memory became hazy. He vaguely recalled stumbling and slurring his words, making a fool of himself in front of his friends. He felt a profound sense of regret and embarrassment. What had started as an innocent experiment had spiraled into a nightmarish experience.

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