Chapter 40

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"I understand that you came here recently but you missed so many lessons. School isn't finished yet and I don't know how to grade you."Mr Harris said to us.

Me and Anthi were alone in his class and he cautioned us to be more studious. I was a little impatient because he was delaying us during the break. I wanted to leave my Chemistry book in my locker. Anthi was staring at the big hanging clock, above the blackboard. I pushed Anthi, lightly and she looked at me, confused.

"We apologize for our absences, we were sick. You know how this works. If one catches a cold, it's very easy to spread it to the ones you are close to."I said and smiled awkwardly.

"Yes, it's very easy!"Anthi confirmed.

"Nevertheless, you two have to give exams to some classes if you want to pass the class."

I opened my eyes widely and looked at Anthi and then back to the teacher.

"When?"Anthi asked worried.

"The first subject's exams are in three weeks. The syllabus for this semester isn't too much. You can succeed if you try hard."

Are all the teachers connected one to another? Every single teacher gives the same advice.

"I don't have anything else to say. You are free to go."Mr Harris said, poker-faced.

Anthi and I were walking through the corridors and I was trying to discern a familiar person. When we arrived at my locker I left all my books that I didn't need for the next classes.

"What are we going to do now? How can we even concentrate on our lessons? We still have matters of importance!"Anthi asked upset.

Then I remembered, she didn't know that Peter killed Derek's younger sister and I didn't want to hide it from her. If she decides to move on with Peter, she has to know about this. But I can't tell her right now, at school.

"Look Anthi. Some things happened yesterday, while you and Peter were at Nancy's basement."

"Oh god. BBC World News has to see the real speed of the incidents that happened to our lives."Anthi said ironically and the bell rang.

"Ugh, who wants to burn more brain cells in Biology? Not me! I have to go. Meet me at the school entrance when you are done." she said and walked fast to her class.

I almost slammed my locker door while Stiles was approaching me.

"Whoa, Am I going to regret talking to you?"Stiles said and I chuckled.

"Good morning Stiles!"I said and smiled.

"So, I need to talk to you for two minutes."

"You should hurry because I don't want another teacher to scold me for being late."

"Alright Sylvie, so Derek told me and Scott what happened with that man Eric and the problem is that he wants to meet him fifteen days, from today."

"Why would he want to meet him after many days?"I asked confused.

"See, that's the problem. Because fifteen days remain for the next full moon."Stiles said seriously.

I frowned. Eric is something up to and it's evil.

"Listen we will talk about that later, "I said.

"We are all going to Derek's loft in the afternoon. Meet us there."Stiles said and walked away.

It was obvious that I couldn't concentrate on the lesson after what Stiles told me. I was playing with my pen nervously or staring at the big window, on my left. I was caught in Lydia's eyes, who was sitting at the next desk.

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